Waits patiently

this is cung's mo, he's not a hardcore fighter he's a celebrity and a businessman. If you're a guy that wonders how good he is you will never find out cause he'll just fight cans on his own time.

PTM2020 -  

i'm hungry, but not THAT hungry!

Strikeforce knows what they're doing. They didn't have any mw's besides Jorge to challenge Cung. Now that they've got things back on track and Le has done his hollywood thing I'm sure we will be seeing him sooner rather than later.

OP gets his name in the hat for gayest thread title of the year. BEEP

liquidrob - 
Gullivers Travels - I agree actually. There's no point in having a champ if he's only gonna do "huge" fights. Is he only going to fight Shamrock over and over?

if they strip cung le now it will just get rid of the belt and destroy a unifacation fight

give them a little time, they just went thru a merger and havent put on a show since all this happened

it makes no sense to strip Le at this point

Yes, they went through a merger, but he hasn't fought in over a year. He's acting like he beat the # 1 middleweight and is going to leave some legacy from the one fight

"how many shows has strikeforce done since then? "

They have done five events in the 13 months since Cung won the title, with one more next week and two more announced through June.

He should be stripped. He's not injured and is not announced to defend within 18 months of winning the title.

put him against Lawler instead of Shields. If he says no, strip him. If he says yes, we hopefully see him KO'd.

Gullivers Travels - put him against Lawler instead of Shields. If he says no, strip him. If he says yes, we hopefully see him KO'd.

I love MMA fans, they are entertaining....

LOL @ Stripping the cash cow of the promotion. This is why strikeforce is ran by a pro and not an internet warrior.

Having Cung Le as their champion who never fights on their cards is making them money how exactly?

Strip him. Have two other guys fight for the vacant title. Title fights mean more money. Then, if he ever comes back, they can do the usual cliched "I'm here to get my belt back from this paper champ!" and build up the big drama.

why would they strip their biggest local draw (besides Frank)?

Cung will probably headline the next major show in San Jose and rematch Frank

do you think Jorge Santiago or Robbie Lawler or any of the MWs on Strikeforce roster will sell more tickets in San Jose than Cung?

not saying its fair, but its business

orcus - Having Cung Le as their champion who never fights on their cards is making them money how exactly?

Strip him. Have two other guys fight for the vacant title. Title fights mean more money. Then, if he ever comes back, they can do the usual cliched "I'm here to get my belt back from this paper champ!" and build up the big drama.

if they strip him there is no point to make a vacant title fight

they already have Lawler as a MW champion, they want to get it down to 1 belt in each weight class eventually

by stripping him you are basically taking away a big time fight

"why would they strip their biggest local draw (besides Frank)?"

He's not a draw if he's not on the cards.

C"ung will probably headline the next major show in San Jose and rematch Frank"

Maybe. They are talking about 16 shows this year and have said they "hope" to get Cung to fight this year. That would be 22 shows and almost two years, and they "hope" to get one fight out of him.

"they already have Lawler as a MW champion, they want to get it down to 1 belt in each weight class eventually"

Lawler is not the champ. He was EliteXC champ and there is no EliteXC anymore. Lawler should fight somebody for the Strikeforce MW belt.

"by stripping him you are basically taking away a big time fight "

No, you're making two big fights -- Lawler vs whomever for the title, then whomever the current champ is vs Cung when he returns (if he returns).

16 shows is a lot of shows to fill. They "hope" Cung might defend his title at some point this year. They "hope" Alistair might defend his title at some point this year. They've got Babalu. Thompson just broke his leg so will presumably be out for most of the year. Apparently there are no contenders for Shields, so he is fighting at 185...

So five champions: One is making movies. One is busy in Dream and K-1. One splits time with Affliction. One has a broken leg, and the last has no one to fight.

185 is their best division; stripping Cung would get a new champion in there so at least some of their cards would have title fights; then, if Cung returns, his first fight back is for the title and everyone's happy.

PTM2020 -  

whoof.. that thing looks like a water baloon wrapped in dental floss... I call that the thong cutter

Cung will be back, throwing moves the other guys have still not figured out. He still trains daily, he is not sitting on a yacht eating bon bons lol. You have to let this next promotion, and the one with Sheilds vs Lawer shake out. Then it will be time to start lining up his fight. After all Elite XC and Strikeforce merged, a few more wins and losses ought to set things up for a dynamic match with Cung.

One more thing, Cung being in movies is good for the sport. It helps grow the fan base, and puts more money into keeping the sport alive. Sure he gets his, but hopefully things like this can inspire bigger sponsors and paydays for fighters. Fighting is a tough business, and I know a lot of former top stars (no names) who ended up with nothing. All they have is a story, and maybe a free beer from someone who wants to sit next to the champ. Think about what the ultimate fighter show did for MMA, it tapped so many new people into the sport. Before that it was one of those expensive PPV's, that you may or may not watch. Fighters in movies, opens doors for other fighters in the future no matter if you believe it or not. Unlike many fighters who have tried their chops at acting, Cung's flicks are going to the big screen instead of straight to video. In a sense he is pushing the envelope, of what you can do with an MMA career. No worries he will be back to fight, it is part of his lifestyle.

PTM2020 -  

 BEEP BEEP HONK HONK !! Yeah Buddy!!!  As DEVO sang: "It's a Beautiful World We Live In...."