
I'm bored, and this place is not living up to my expectations. Robin and Tink have not been as vocal as I have become accustomed to. So I'm starting this thread, just to create some excitement. Feel free to talk about any kind of stuff.

I'll start.

I'm fighting in Japan again in Sept. I've been confirmed for the Sengoku 10 card. Yay!!! No opponent has been named yet. Started training yesterday. Layin off the booze and the whores, too. Except for Saturdays.... Saturdays I will do a little drinking, and maybe some whoring, too.

I remember Heat Score allegedly was in Winnipeg a few weeks ago. Never ran into her. That's too bad.... for her.

K, that's all I got for now. Later.

 I popped my elbow training today. I didn't cry though, I'm tuff.

I'm fighting Saturday. I feel great. I miss you Joe Doerksen and Dougie and Jon and where the hell is Sean Quinn?

i might drink a case of old milwaukee tonight.

when I shave my balls I listen to glass tiger.


when I shave my balls it sounds like glass tiger.  something with the pattern of the hair and the razor scraping against it.  It's a bizzare phenomenon.

you should put out an album. Let the hair grow to different lengths to inspire different melodies.


If Zamfir and his pan flute can sell 40 million albums worldwide then I think there could definitely be a market for my scrotum harpsichord.

I seriously fucking love every last one of you sick, twisted, ridiculously fucked up individuals.

I mean it.

I wrote a story a long time ago, if i can find it i will post it, there is also a picture i drew that goes along with it, I used crayons. If i find it someone can post that as well. both of the mentioned pieces makes my girlfriend think I need meds.

Joe when in japan dont bother visiting the Tokyo tower. At first it seems like whoa awesome i get to go up high and look out over Tokyo. Then..... once your inside you realize that they only take you to the observation deck half way up the tower and you just have a wierd feeling of being politely raped by the smiley tour guide. Why wont they let me up to the top deck.

Big Rig

because...... you are a big bag of suck moemar !!!!!

good luck in nippon joe.

JKennedy - 
orbit - I wrote a story a long time ago, if i can find it i will post it, there is also a picture i drew that goes along with it, I used crayons. If i find it someone can post that as well. both of the mentioned pieces makes my girlfriend think I need meds.

It isn't the story that makes he think this dumbass, it's the dripping boils on your cock. Sheesh! Get that shit cleaned up ;-)


 Looking to earn my green name in September maybe ill fit in better after that probably not but its worth a try lol.

Joe Doerksen - I seriously fucking love every last one of you sick, twisted, ridiculously fucked up individuals.

I mean it.


have you ever popped a cock boil? It's like bursting bubble wrap filled with boyardi sauce. More addictive than crack.

My story:

I remember one time my girl and I were watching a magnificent horse feed in the field by her house.

She was talking about how awesome horses are and how strong they are and blah blah blah. Then she started going on about how big the horse's cock was and how powerful it looked and how there were no negatives to a giant horse cock.

Well I had had enough so I hopped the fence (just like the "American Dream" Dusty Rhodes hopped into the ring back in his National Wrestling Alliance days) and I jogged up to the wild stallion, it went back on it's hind legs; to try to intimidate me and give my girl a better look at it's beast dong.
I used the Crocodile Dundee animal taming technique which paralyzed it, keeping the horse in the standing position. Then I pulled out my handsome wang and penetrated it's ludicrously large urethra until i emptied my balls into it's balls, which is much like "crossing the streams" from the "Ghost Busters" film.

I put my gun back in it's holster and slowly backed away from the beast. I clapped my hands three times to free it from the Dundee technique.
Then I hopped back over the fence and said to my horse cock worshiping girl "horse cock has no negative huh? well I'd say what just went down was a fucking negative" then I pulled her close to me and pointed to the horse and said "watch".

The horse stumbled around, drunk on my load. Slowly something started growing from it's forehead, it was a a horn, it grew into a perfect replica of my human pussy ploughing tool. A reminder to all other horses; don't ever try to show up a man in front of his woman.

My baby looked at me and she said "you're such a man" and I replied "fuck yes" I gave her some heat then we went to dairy queen and split a peanut buster parfait.

There is a crayon pic that accompanies this tale of success but mud prevents me from sharing

gimme a link and I will gladly post said pic!

how does one accomplish such a feat?