EKPOGI -ABCTT_HeHitsMeBecauseHeLovesMe -Uhm, speak for yourself. I like them a lot better now that they're not forced to use ped's or be at a huge disadvantage.
Margret Goodman groupie.
EKPOGI -ABCTT_HeHitsMeBecauseHeLovesMe -Uhm, speak for yourself. I like them a lot better now that they're not forced to use ped's or be at a huge disadvantage.
Margret Goodman groupie.
EKPOGI -cantuna4u -EKPOGI -49and1 -EKPOGI -You're welcome.
You already posted a pic of Barnett when he was roiding.started to cherry pic pictures?why didn’t you post a pic of rothwell when he popped? Since Bob Sapp= fedor.i expect more chubby pics so there goes your agenda from the first page.
Congrats on destroying your own thread.
cough cough I think rothwell is right above your head.
i agree fuck USADA... were here to watch super humans go at it, not average joes.
He posted rothwell when he wasn't popped for juicing.his physique was different in the fight he popped for.he cherry picked the pic,earlier he posted Barnett when he was semi ripped..then post a pic of him fat when he was under USADA.
So now his argument from his op and his first couple of pictures is fucked because now he has to post pics of fighters fat.
It's not cherry picking. Just cause you got caught by horseshit USADA this time, doesn't mean you didn't manage to get away with it last time. You telling me Cyborg wasn't on the juice the times she didn't pop? Besides, it's just for kicks. I don't want them to cheat. I just want USADA to go fuck themselves. Then it won't be cheatingand we can watch Superman fight the Hulk. Nobody wants to see Clark Kent fight Bruce Banner.
Nah getting rid of USADA is them being able to cheat.so yeah you want them to cheat.on top of you accusing fighters who never popped.youre going to lie and say UFC haven't had excellent fights under USADA?
Also, I never "lied" and said there was no good post USADA fights. I'm just saying I liked the TRT, juicing full on balls, HGH, EPO Vitor to this poor bastard who, thanks to USADA, is getting beat by Sam fuckin Alvey! Fuck USADA. And shame on you Honey. Using your husband's UG account to further your Margret Goodmanizing agenda! This place is going to shit!
Mandible_Claw -GSP has never popped, he was actually outspoken about his opponents being on PED's. So GSP and Fedor are in the same conversation as being clean athletes.
GSP is actually quite superior as an athlete compared to Fedor. Evrn as a fighter now that I think of it.
GSP superior fighter to Fedor? And you came to this conclusion once you began thinking?
cantuna4u -EKPOGI -cantuna4u -EKPOGI -49and1 -EKPOGI -You're welcome.
You already posted a pic of Barnett when he was roiding.started to cherry pic pictures?why didn’t you post a pic of rothwell when he popped? Since Bob Sapp= fedor.i expect more chubby pics so there goes your agenda from the first page.
Congrats on destroying your own thread.
cough cough I think rothwell is right above your head.
i agree fuck USADA... were here to watch super humans go at it, not average joes.
He posted rothwell when he wasn't popped for juicing.his physique was different in the fight he popped for.he cherry picked the pic,earlier he posted Barnett when he was semi ripped..then post a pic of him fat when he was under USADA.
So now his argument from his op and his first couple of pictures is fucked because now he has to post pics of fighters fat.
It's not cherry picking. Just cause you got caught by horseshit USADA this time, doesn't mean you didn't manage to get away with it last time. You telling me Cyborg wasn't on the juice the times she didn't pop? Besides, it's just for kicks. I don't want them to cheat. I just want USADA to go fuck themselves. Then it won't be cheatingand we can watch Superman fight the Hulk. Nobody wants to see Clark Kent fight Bruce Banner.
Nah getting rid of USADA is them being able to cheat.so yeah you want them to cheat.on top of you accusing fighters who never popped.youre going to lie and say UFC haven't had excellent fights under USADA?
Also, I never "lied" and said there was no good post USADA fights. I'm just saying I liked the TRT, juicing full on balls, HGH, EPO Vitor to this poor bastard who, thanks to USADA, is getting beat by Sam fuckin Alvey! Fuck USADA. And shame on you Honey. Using your husband's UG account to further your Margret Goodmanizing agenda! This place is going to shit!
Just go ahead and fighter bash some more and cherry pic pictures.
And post more pics of shirtless dudes on roids since that's you wanted.honey.
I want that 'just good lighting' for all!
EKPOGI -cantuna4u -EKPOGI -cantuna4u -EKPOGI -49and1 -EKPOGI -You're welcome.
You already posted a pic of Barnett when he was roiding.started to cherry pic pictures?why didn’t you post a pic of rothwell when he popped? Since Bob Sapp= fedor.i expect more chubby pics so there goes your agenda from the first page.
Congrats on destroying your own thread.
cough cough I think rothwell is right above your head.
i agree fuck USADA... were here to watch super humans go at it, not average joes.
He posted rothwell when he wasn't popped for juicing.his physique was different in the fight he popped for.he cherry picked the pic,earlier he posted Barnett when he was semi ripped..then post a pic of him fat when he was under USADA.
So now his argument from his op and his first couple of pictures is fucked because now he has to post pics of fighters fat.
It's not cherry picking. Just cause you got caught by horseshit USADA this time, doesn't mean you didn't manage to get away with it last time. You telling me Cyborg wasn't on the juice the times she didn't pop? Besides, it's just for kicks. I don't want them to cheat. I just want USADA to go fuck themselves. Then it won't be cheatingand we can watch Superman fight the Hulk. Nobody wants to see Clark Kent fight Bruce Banner.
Nah getting rid of USADA is them being able to cheat.so yeah you want them to cheat.on top of you accusing fighters who never popped.youre going to lie and say UFC haven't had excellent fights under USADA?
Also, I never "lied" and said there was no good post USADA fights. I'm just saying I liked the TRT, juicing full on balls, HGH, EPO Vitor to this poor bastard who, thanks to USADA, is getting beat by Sam fuckin Alvey! Fuck USADA. And shame on you Honey. Using your husband's UG account to further your Margret Goodmanizing agenda! This place is going to shit!
Just go ahead and fighter bash some more and cherry pic pictures.
And post more pics of shirtless dudes on roids since that's you wanted.honey.
Damn lady... You are sick. I'm not fighter bashing anyone. On the contrary, I'm saying all these fighters were more fun to watch Imo, when they were at "their physical peak". Ya know sweetheart, if you step away from the keyboard right now, he might not even know you were on here, using his account to make him look all sissy-like. And as for your little "shirtless dudes" comment... I'll try and go back and put some of those pretty little Reebok blouses you broads like so much on some of those pics.
This app is fucking with me. I'll try again
cantuna4u -EKPOGI -cantuna4u -EKPOGI -cantuna4u -EKPOGI -49and1 -EKPOGI -You're welcome.
You already posted a pic of Barnett when he was roiding.started to cherry pic pictures?why didn’t you post a pic of rothwell when he popped? Since Bob Sapp= fedor.i expect more chubby pics so there goes your agenda from the first page.
Congrats on destroying your own thread.
cough cough I think rothwell is right above your head.
i agree fuck USADA... were here to watch super humans go at it, not average joes.
He posted rothwell when he wasn't popped for juicing.his physique was different in the fight he popped for.he cherry picked the pic,earlier he posted Barnett when he was semi ripped..then post a pic of him fat when he was under USADA.
So now his argument from his op and his first couple of pictures is fucked because now he has to post pics of fighters fat.
It's not cherry picking. Just cause you got caught by horseshit USADA this time, doesn't mean you didn't manage to get away with it last time. You telling me Cyborg wasn't on the juice the times she didn't pop? Besides, it's just for kicks. I don't want them to cheat. I just want USADA to go fuck themselves. Then it won't be cheatingand we can watch Superman fight the Hulk. Nobody wants to see Clark Kent fight Bruce Banner.
Nah getting rid of USADA is them being able to cheat.so yeah you want them to cheat.on top of you accusing fighters who never popped.youre going to lie and say UFC haven't had excellent fights under USADA?
Also, I never "lied" and said there was no good post USADA fights. I'm just saying I liked the TRT, juicing full on balls, HGH, EPO Vitor to this poor bastard who, thanks to USADA, is getting beat by Sam fuckin Alvey! Fuck USADA. And shame on you Honey. Using your husband's UG account to further your Margret Goodmanizing agenda! This place is going to shit!
Just go ahead and fighter bash some more and cherry pic pictures.
And post more pics of shirtless dudes on roids since that's you wanted.honey.
Damn lady... You are sick. I'm not fighter bashing anyone. On the contrary, I'm saying all these fighters were more fun to watch Imo, when they were at "their physical peak". Ya know sweetheart, if you step away from the keyboard right now, he might not even know you were on here, using his account to make him look all sissy-like. And as for your little "shirtless dudes" comment... I'll try and go back and put some of those pretty little Reebok blouses you broads like so much on some of those pics.
This fag still jerking off to roided dudes.
SinCityHustler -Mandible_Claw -GSP has never popped, he was actually outspoken about his opponents being on PED's. So GSP and Fedor are in the same conversation as being clean athletes.
GSP is actually quite superior as an athlete compared to Fedor. Evrn as a fighter now that I think of it.
GSP superior fighter to Fedor? And you came to this conclusion once you began thinking?
Take your subjective opinion out of the conversation.
Avenged both losses.
2 weight division UFC Champion
Pride Champ
Fought the some of the best competition during a shorter period of time.
I think GSP has him beat.
EKPOGI -cantuna4u -EKPOGI -cantuna4u -EKPOGI -cantuna4u -EKPOGI -49and1 -EKPOGI -You're welcome.
You already posted a pic of Barnett when he was roiding.started to cherry pic pictures?why didn’t you post a pic of rothwell when he popped? Since Bob Sapp= fedor.i expect more chubby pics so there goes your agenda from the first page.
Congrats on destroying your own thread.
cough cough I think rothwell is right above your head.
i agree fuck USADA... were here to watch super humans go at it, not average joes.
He posted rothwell when he wasn't popped for juicing.his physique was different in the fight he popped for.he cherry picked the pic,earlier he posted Barnett when he was semi ripped..then post a pic of him fat when he was under USADA.
So now his argument from his op and his first couple of pictures is fucked because now he has to post pics of fighters fat.
It's not cherry picking. Just cause you got caught by horseshit USADA this time, doesn't mean you didn't manage to get away with it last time. You telling me Cyborg wasn't on the juice the times she didn't pop? Besides, it's just for kicks. I don't want them to cheat. I just want USADA to go fuck themselves. Then it won't be cheatingand we can watch Superman fight the Hulk. Nobody wants to see Clark Kent fight Bruce Banner.
Nah getting rid of USADA is them being able to cheat.so yeah you want them to cheat.on top of you accusing fighters who never popped.youre going to lie and say UFC haven't had excellent fights under USADA?
Also, I never "lied" and said there was no good post USADA fights. I'm just saying I liked the TRT, juicing full on balls, HGH, EPO Vitor to this poor bastard who, thanks to USADA, is getting beat by Sam fuckin Alvey! Fuck USADA. And shame on you Honey. Using your husband's UG account to further your Margret Goodmanizing agenda! This place is going to shit!
Just go ahead and fighter bash some more and cherry pic pictures.
And post more pics of shirtless dudes on roids since that's you wanted.honey.
Damn lady... You are sick. I'm not fighter bashing anyone. On the contrary, I'm saying all these fighters were more fun to watch Imo, when they were at "their physical peak". Ya know sweetheart, if you step away from the keyboard right now, he might not even know you were on here, using his account to make him look all sissy-like. And as for your little "shirtless dudes" comment... I'll try and go back and put some of those pretty little Reebok blouses you broads like so much on some of those pics.
This fag still jerking off to roided dudes.
Not anymore... Thanks a fuckin lot USADA!!!
cantuna4u -EKPOGI -cantuna4u -EKPOGI -cantuna4u -EKPOGI -cantuna4u -EKPOGI -49and1 -EKPOGI -You're welcome.
You already posted a pic of Barnett when he was roiding.started to cherry pic pictures?why didn’t you post a pic of rothwell when he popped? Since Bob Sapp= fedor.i expect more chubby pics so there goes your agenda from the first page.
Congrats on destroying your own thread.
cough cough I think rothwell is right above your head.
i agree fuck USADA... were here to watch super humans go at it, not average joes.
He posted rothwell when he wasn't popped for juicing.his physique was different in the fight he popped for.he cherry picked the pic,earlier he posted Barnett when he was semi ripped..then post a pic of him fat when he was under USADA.
So now his argument from his op and his first couple of pictures is fucked because now he has to post pics of fighters fat.
It's not cherry picking. Just cause you got caught by horseshit USADA this time, doesn't mean you didn't manage to get away with it last time. You telling me Cyborg wasn't on the juice the times she didn't pop? Besides, it's just for kicks. I don't want them to cheat. I just want USADA to go fuck themselves. Then it won't be cheatingand we can watch Superman fight the Hulk. Nobody wants to see Clark Kent fight Bruce Banner.
Nah getting rid of USADA is them being able to cheat.so yeah you want them to cheat.on top of you accusing fighters who never popped.youre going to lie and say UFC haven't had excellent fights under USADA?
Also, I never "lied" and said there was no good post USADA fights. I'm just saying I liked the TRT, juicing full on balls, HGH, EPO Vitor to this poor bastard who, thanks to USADA, is getting beat by Sam fuckin Alvey! Fuck USADA. And shame on you Honey. Using your husband's UG account to further your Margret Goodmanizing agenda! This place is going to shit!
Just go ahead and fighter bash some more and cherry pic pictures.
And post more pics of shirtless dudes on roids since that's you wanted.honey.
Damn lady... You are sick. I'm not fighter bashing anyone. On the contrary, I'm saying all these fighters were more fun to watch Imo, when they were at "their physical peak". Ya know sweetheart, if you step away from the keyboard right now, he might not even know you were on here, using his account to make him look all sissy-like. And as for your little "shirtless dudes" comment... I'll try and go back and put some of those pretty little Reebok blouses you broads like so much on some of those pics.
This fag still jerking off to roided dudes.
Not anymore... Thanks a fuckin lot USADA!!!
Those cockblockers
Mandible_Claw -SinCityHustler -Mandible_Claw -GSP has never popped, he was actually outspoken about his opponents being on PED's. So GSP and Fedor are in the same conversation as being clean athletes.
GSP is actually quite superior as an athlete compared to Fedor. Evrn as a fighter now that I think of it.
GSP superior fighter to Fedor? And you came to this conclusion once you began thinking?
Take your subjective opinion out of the conversation.
Avenged both losses.
2 weight division UFC Champion
Pride Champ
Fought the some of the best competition during a shorter period of time.
I think GSP has him beat.
That means nothing in terms of who the superior fighter is. Keep in mind GSP has the handicap of having to compete in a weight class to shield him from the bigger guys who would rape his asshole. Fedor doesn’t hide in weight classes, he fights against the biggest opponents with no handicap asked for. I’ve seen enough ridiculousness on these boards to where I believe you actually think GSP is superior. I have no doubt you believe that. And I’m ok with that. I wouldn’t be surprised if you told me Ronda is superior to both of them. Go right ahead and keep believing.
SinCityHustler -Mandible_Claw -SinCityHustler -Mandible_Claw -GSP has never popped, he was actually outspoken about his opponents being on PED's. So GSP and Fedor are in the same conversation as being clean athletes.
GSP is actually quite superior as an athlete compared to Fedor. Evrn as a fighter now that I think of it.
GSP superior fighter to Fedor? And you came to this conclusion once you began thinking?
Take your subjective opinion out of the conversation.
Avenged both losses.
2 weight division UFC Champion
Pride Champ
Fought the some of the best competition during a shorter period of time.
I think GSP has him beat.
That means nothing in terms of who the superior fighter is. Keep in mind GSP has the handicap of having to compete in a weight class to shield him from the bigger guys who would rape his asshole. Fedor doesn’t hide in weight classes, he fights against the biggest opponents with no handicap asked for. I’ve seen enough ridiculousness on these boards to where I believe you actually think GSP is superior. I have no doubt you believe that. And I’m ok with that. I wouldn’t be surprised if you told me Ronda is superior to both of them. Go right ahead and keep believing.
your wrong bud. 26-2 never popped. one of the best to do it Keep the hate flowing though.
Ragingshaneistheanswer -SinCityHustler -Mandible_Claw -SinCityHustler -Mandible_Claw -GSP has never popped, he was actually outspoken about his opponents being on PED's. So GSP and Fedor are in the same conversation as being clean athletes.
GSP is actually quite superior as an athlete compared to Fedor. Evrn as a fighter now that I think of it.
GSP superior fighter to Fedor? And you came to this conclusion once you began thinking?
Take your subjective opinion out of the conversation.
Avenged both losses.
2 weight division UFC Champion
Pride Champ
Fought the some of the best competition during a shorter period of time.
I think GSP has him beat.
That means nothing in terms of who the superior fighter is. Keep in mind GSP has the handicap of having to compete in a weight class to shield him from the bigger guys who would rape his asshole. Fedor doesn’t hide in weight classes, he fights against the biggest opponents with no handicap asked for. I’ve seen enough ridiculousness on these boards to where I believe you actually think GSP is superior. I have no doubt you believe that. And I’m ok with that. I wouldn’t be surprised if you told me Ronda is superior to both of them. Go right ahead and keep believing.
your wrong bud. 26-2 never popped. one of the best to do it Keep the hate flowing though.
I support GSP. Yeah let’s all act like he was ROIDED UP putting devastating DECISIONS on them… then he takes 4 YEARS off and comes back to a 100% USADA governed sport and not only wins but FINISHES current Middleweight Chanpion.
At the very best IF you try to argue GSP was on juice… then all the of his opponents were too? If anything that makes it more impressive imo but I don’t believe a guy could cheat his entire career then come back in the toughest era of drug test mg and out an absolute ass-beating on the MIDDLEWEIGHT CHAMP… clean!
Here's Georges the hard gainer "I am ectomorph"