Suck it USADA!!!

popped for PEDs in MLB

Funny thing is Hector Lombard somehow looks just as ripped now as he did then. 

What about the trt crew....handy couture and right hand Dan.

Cocaine Cowboy - 
Ragingshaneistheanswer -
SinCityHustler -
Mandible_Claw - 
SinCityHustler -
Mandible_Claw - 

GSP has never popped, he was actually outspoken about his opponents being on PED's. So GSP and Fedor are in the same conversation as being clean athletes. 

GSP is actually quite superior as an athlete compared to Fedor. Evrn as a fighter now that I think of it.

GSP superior fighter to Fedor? And you came to this conclusion once you began thinking?


Take your subjective opinion out of the conversation. 




Avenged both losses.

2 weight division UFC Champion




Pride Champ

Fought the some of the best competition during a shorter period of time.

I think GSP has him beat.

That means nothing in terms of who the superior fighter is. Keep in mind GSP has the handicap of having to compete in a weight class to shield him from the bigger guys who would rape his asshole. Fedor doesn’t hide in weight classes, he fights against the biggest opponents with no handicap asked for. I’ve seen enough ridiculousness on these boards to where I believe you actually think GSP is superior. I have no doubt you believe that. And I’m ok with that. I wouldn’t be surprised if you told me Ronda is superior to both of them. Go right ahead and keep believing.

your wrong bud. 26-2 never popped. one of the best to do it Keep the hate flowing though.

I support GSP. Yeah let’s all act like he was ROIDED UP putting devastating DECISIONS on them… then he takes 4 YEARS off and comes back to a 100% USADA governed sport and not only wins but FINISHES current Middleweight Chanpion.  

At the very best IF you try to argue GSP was on juice… then all the of his opponents were too?  If anything that makes it more impressive imo but I don’t believe a guy could cheat his entire career then come back in the toughest era of drug test mg and out an absolute ass-beating on the MIDDLEWEIGHT CHAMP… clean!  

If he was aggressively juicing in the 4 years… those are serious long term gains he made. They won’t suddenly disappear if he stops the juice.

cantuna4u -

He still looks like that 

Smilin like Rashad -

popped for PEDs in MLB

Is that Ja Rule?

cantuna4u -

 Blow it out your ass stupid USADA!!!   We liked them better this way!

I agree with OP.

NastyNate420 -
cantuna4u -

He still looks like that 

Thats cause he's still juicing!!!

No pics of my man Hashad on here.

I wonder why.

If you are ok with steroid use you have to also be fine with serious head injuries and deaths in the sport.

kungfugrip - If you are ok with steroid use you have to also be fine with serious head injuries and deaths in the sport.

No way man...  Just the roads.

cantuna4u -
kungfugrip - If you are ok with steroid use you have to also be fine with serious head injuries and deaths in the sport.

No way man...  Just the roads.

*roids. Sorry.   Just the roids


ryanJ -


If cheeseburgers are PED's...    I'm a Fuckin CHEATER!!!!