super brawl

anyone know the fight card.i know vitale vs. suda,but what is the rest of the card.

i dunno. good question.


Set your VCR's and TIVO's fight fans. Super Brawl's new 30 minute program titled "Super Brawl's Greatest Hits" , hosted by Roy Jones, Jr. and Playmate Deanna Brooks premiers this week late night on E! SPIKE TV and CMT. If you want to expand your DVD collection we strongly advise you to watch one of these first few shows. A very special offer will be made.

3/26: 4:30am Late Saturday night (Sunday a.m.) 3-26 E!

3/27: 4:00am Late Sunday night (Monday a.m.) E!
3/28: 4:30am Late Monday night (Tue a.m.) SPIKE
TV4/2: 4:30am Late Saturday night (Sun a.m.) SPIKE
TV4/3: 3:30am Late Sunday night (Mon a.m.) CMT


ttt for great show

Anyone have a lineup yet? Wheres TJ?^^^

card please,anyone.


"there is a rumor that superbrawl is coming to no.indiana. any truth to this"

Yes, 4-30-05!!

Wheres TJ? I want to hear who's on the card and how much this one will be?


ttt for the card!!

anyone knows


LOL @ No TJ!!!

all i know about superbrawl is those fuckers keep sending me dvds and charging my visa ... and they wont fucking stop!!!

Yeah, Falaniko is fighting Suda.

In Indiana, on April 30th, Spencer Fisher is fighting Henry Matamoros and Bart Palezskeki(Sp?) is rematching Kola Koka.(thats what I've heard anyways).

Bart will be fighting Harris Sarmiento yes Superbrawl is coming to Indiana.

The agreement on Superbrawl videos say that you are subscirbing for a year i video every month no takes the time to read it they just click OK and you get charged.

Other fights on Aprl 9, Harris Sarmiento vs. Kolo Koka,Jim Kikuchi vs. Justin Mercado, tama Satele vs. Rob Chong, Kai Kamaka III vs. Tristin Prebia, Jumar Dumaolao vs. Tyson Nam,KJ vs. Malik Wiliams, Harvey Nakamura vs. Mark Oshiro

those superbrawl fucks just sent me another video in the mail again.. don't order any superbrawl videos its baaaaad they wont stop billing your visa and sending you fucking videos

Joe Jordan I saw ur fight with Koko Kola man why did he kick you in the face? Im not trying to be an ass by asking. I just couldnt beleive my eyes.