superCalo's NTKTDarce Charity T-Shirt Available!

In Phone Post

After seeing some posts I'm not even sure now if this isn't just a joke.

I really wish what I was going through was just a joke. I did kind of get a laugh out of it but ouch.

-NKTKDace without the r Phone Post

 Sorry about the misspelling man.  No joke, I am really sorry for what you are going through.  This won't generate a ton of revenue, but I hope it helps to know that people are thinking about you. 

Did you bother going to the actual site, Crowbar?? You can get up to an XL in white for $15.70 if you order the Value t-shirt. For $27 you get a 3XL colored shirt of better quality... and a couple bucks more for American Apparel brand. Order a dozen and they knock 10% off.

I do agree it'd be nice to have a larger percentage go to NKTK but all in all I'm quite impressed with how quickly this came together and give much respect to those of you who put it all in motion and most importantly, followed it through so selflessly.

Stay strong, NKTK it CAN be beat!

No,I did not go to the site.Believe me when I tell you this...I actually like the shirt & would have no trouble buying one if the price was lower.What I dislike the most is the mark up.

crowbar - No,I did not go to the site.Believe me when I tell you this...I actually like the shirt & would have no trouble buying one if the price was lower.What I dislike the most is the mark up.

 This guys going through hell and your gonna piss and moan over a few dollars....goddamn man thats some stupid shit... if you didn't like the markup you should have just walked your happy ass outta this thread and not said a peep.... but no your raging asshole hormones flared up and said "Hmmm how can I fuck this nice gesture up".  Fuckin toolbag

Fucking Awsome!!! Big props to all involved. Phone Post

Sweet shirt Phone Post

UGCTT_NKTKDace - After seeing some posts I'm not even sure now if this isn't just a joke.

I really wish what I was going through was just a joke. I did kind of get a laugh out of it but ouch.

-NKTKDace without the r Phone Post

It's no joke my man... And anyone who jokes around about what your going threw can rot in fucking hell!! Phone Post

UK Wrestler - People are seriously going to wear these? I thought/hoped it was a joke ...

It's cool if you don't wanna wear one, but it would also be cool if you donated a little to his fund raiser page. Phone Post

UGCTT_NKTKDace -  After seeing some posts I'm not even sure now if this isn't just a joke.

I really wish what I was going through was just a joke. I did kind of get a laugh out of it but ouch.

-NKTKDace without the r Phone Post

 It most assuredly isn't a joke, man!  We were hoping to be able to work something out to get these screenprinted and keep the donation amount up and the cost down but it didn't work out .  Still, hopefully it'll help you out a bit!

Wow, this idea really took on a life of its own..!

2Jupes, you neglected to mention your own contributions. Thanks for playing middleman and managing the process. Well done!

NKTKDace, hopefully the small donations from the shirt purchases brings further attention to your needs and results in more direct donations to your page. You can beat it!

The only things left to do are to pull a few more strings to allow Shane to wear this shirt on a broadcast. Oh yea, and to get this printed on a thong to donate to Ronda Rousey...

Cheers all! Let's make superCalo an internet legend!


^^^ you guys did a great job and have great intentions!!

Should do another design..." The UG Battles Cancer" put it in the UG store and donate a percentage... I buy! Phone Post

Not sure if you guys have checked into his page lately but he was going threw cancer this week, all going pretty well, then he was told a few hours ago he needs a bone marrow transplant ASAP.... He could definitely use all of your thoughts and and positive message you can send him! Phone Post

 Just bought mine!

I showed the shirt to my wife and she said that she may actually have sex with me at some point this year if I wear this.  Fingers crossed!

^^^ I'm rooting for you my man!! Lol Phone Post

mixedmartialfarts -  Just bought mine!

I showed the shirt to my wife and she said that she may actually have sex with me at some point this year if I wear this.  Fingers crossed!

 Tell her if she wears the superCalo thong you may return the favor.

 All we need in order to get one to Shane is an address. I'll order one and have it shipped directly to him as soon as I have a legit address.

There are cheaper ways to make a bunch of shirts, but I don't know of any that are quicker and more flexible/customizable (and no one else volunteered so this seemed the easiest way to go about it. But if someone in the biz were to step in and offer another way, that's fine with me).

For those unfamiliar with Zazzle (and other similar companies), they basically do all the work once you submit the design (thus the mark up). They allow customers to order as many or as few as they want and in a variety of colors, styles and sizes. They set a base price and then you choose a royalty amount that is added to the price if you wish to post it for sale (10% is the minimum royalty you can set). 

The design above is the "base" design we went with, but there are cheaper options as well as more expensive options that you can buy if you'd like (heck, I believe you can even get it put on a mousepad or household apron!).

Zazzle keeps track of all the royalties in my account so at the end of the month, I'll donate all royalties from these shirt's sales to our fellow UGer UGCTT_NKTKDace via whatever means 2Jupes or Calo deem best. I don't expect it to be an overwhelming amount by any means, but hopefully the positive thoughts, prayers, etc. that are coming with whatever amount we generate will help a bit.

Just trying to be as transparent as possible so people know what's going on. If anyone has any questions, feel free to email me via my contact page or PM me here.

Blessings from the Dojo,


mixedmartialfarts -  Just bought mine!

I showed the shirt to my wife and she said that she may actually have sex with me at some point this year if I wear this.  Fingers crossed!

 Shit stop looking at my order I am going to have to rethink my color scheme

Loadin76 - 
crowbar - No,I did not go to the site.Believe me when I tell you this...I actually like the shirt & would have no trouble buying one if the price was lower.What I dislike the most is the mark up.

 This guys going through hell and your gonna piss and moan over a few dollars....goddamn man thats some stupid shit... if you didn't like the markup you should have just walked your happy ass outta this thread and not said a peep.... but no your raging asshole hormones flared up and said "Hmmm how can I fuck this nice gesture up".  Fuckin toolbag

I`m working 2 days a week & in a position that I have to prioritize my spending.