Supplements for your brain?

Not a supplement, but neurofeedback is insane if done with someone who knows what they are doing.


oxygen, do things u'd normally do with ur dominant hand with ur non dominant hand, do a mundane activity with ur eyes closed

binaural beats on cd

^I hope u are kidding about binaural beats, that crap is pseudoscience^

it's an easy sell marketed towards lazy people.

Seriously -

Breakfast and books. Eat more coldwater fish too (like salmon).

I am really focused when jacked on Ephedra. I think, since it a Bronchiodialator(sp), maybe im getting more oxygen in my system. Not sure on the exact reason, but its good stuff.

Acetyl L-Carnitine is good. There is a product called Focus XT by Serious Nutrition Solutions (SNS) that is very good, and X-Force by IBE is unbelievably good, but if you take it every day it loses effectiveness. Just don't take it at night or you won't be going to sleep.

FishyFish,I take the supplement you are talking about and IMO it is the best there is!!!

It cost's $79.99 for two bottles (90 caps in each one)and is worth every penny!

It helps your mind and your reaction time and is great when you need some energy.

Omega 3 fish oil, and or eating fish.

Apparently "masterbation" (sic) doesn't work so hot...

If you want omega 3,6,and 9 then drink an Acai smoothie with flax seed oil in it.

I drink 1 every morning!

Use it. Read. Do math. Do the crossword puzzle. Practice a hobby or sport. Sports activity helps the brain. Fish is brain food.
