Can anyone recommend supplements that would help with recovery time? Diet and sleep amounts are pretty good already...
A good protein suppliment within 1 hour after training session.
Glucosamine for joint support.
MSM for increased flexibility of cellular walls for faster recovery times.
Your warmups and cooldowns will effect how your body metabolisms lactic acid.
Good cooldowns are neglected. Stretching at the end of a workout will help speed up recovery time.
Massage and various "rollers" will also help work out acid.
As for speeding up how fast your muscles actually rebuild? MSM maybe? that will increase the flexibility of your cell walls. I know my fingernails grow twice as fast when I take that stuff.
Dave Copeland
Beaverton SBGi
"I know my fingernails grow twice as fast when I take that stuff."
Sorry I didn't respond sooner-I'm not on here that much any more. Thanks a lot for the tips. I have pretty bad muscle spasms in my back too from training with an existing back injury-hence the question about recovery time, but I'm starting to feel stress in the joints as well. Anyway, thanks a million for the tips-I will look into these supplements.
Drink more water.
GLC 2000 is the sh*t for joint recovery, best product out there, IMO.
L-Glutamine has helped reduce muscle soreness and speeds up
recovery for me. I've also noticed that I get sick a lot less as it's
supposed to help with immune system as well.
Fishoil caps have also seemed to help with my joint aches.
Good answers so far, glutamine and BCAA's for me. We cover a lot of this stuff on my website if you ever want to look.
All good recomendations. I love glutamine myself. We cover a lot of this on my website as well. I am alos a member on Matt's board.