Sure, Chael lost the fight...

But he proved that he has terrible submission defense, and an ineffective ground and pound. For a fighter with a wrestling base you would think he would have at least double digit defeats with these weaknesses.

RaepChoke - STFU<br type="_moz" />

you're drunk dude, get off the forum

TheTakeover - chael whupped dat ass 99% of the fight. he will win the rematch.

chael choked and blew it. his fake tap cheat cost him the belt.

i mean the guy holds what is probably the world's highest win percentage by decision (he has 14 decision wins lol). he can't finish, and can't defend a sub. just ask maia

TheTakeover - chael whupped dat ass 99% of the fight. he will win the rematch.

lol too bad anderson will take that 1% and beat him. again.