Sweet Advertising Tool

If you own a site or you have the need to advertise this site offers some of the best options and pricing around. I have added our fighters sites to the system.


We developed a system that allows the small to large MMA websites (a co-op if you would) where you or your client can buy ads from a single vendor and get them on as many MMA related websites as you can. We have fighter sites, news sites (even mmamadness), blogs, portals, ranking sites , etc. Over 21 sites are now in the system generating over a million impressions a month. We are adding 6 more sites this week and that will increase the traffic and garner about a million more impressions or over 2 million impressions a month. The sites collectively hit about 500,000 unique MMA visitors a month and that number continues to grow. One of the sites we are adding will even embed your ads into the video players on their site.

Why is the network growing so fast? As I said earlier you have a lot of young males hungry for content and unsophisticated website operators that do not have the time or know how to sell ads and set them up on their site if they did happen to sell one. Our network automates it all for them and they only add their sites and then start receiving money for the ads they show. If google had a son that was named MMA this is what he would build! The fighters are coming to the site because most are pay for play contractors and up until MMAMADNET.com they made money by getting hit or selling t-shirts. Now I have fighters making money in their sleep, all they have to do is promote their site in the fights and on many of the platforms that use them and they will make money without getting hurt or having to sell something.

The great thing for the advertisers is we give you the ability to lock in your price for up to 12 months (1, 3, 6 and 12 month options) at a time and you can have unlimited banner ad changes with no additional cost. If we add 1 or 1000 new sites no additional charge, if the traffic increases you are locked in and again no additional charge. The flat rate fee combined with spreading your clients ads out amongst many MMA sites and fighter sites gives them a wider audience and a bigger presence for less money then my very own MMAMADNESS website.

Below you will find more details about MMAADNET and the prices for the different sizes we offer.

As for MMA Ad Networks. We built a system that will allow you to be on as many as 21 MMA websites for one single price. You do not have to bid or pay for CPM's anymore, while you pray it hits a MMA consumer let alone a MMA website. We have a focused network that is already doing over a million impressions a month. You get professional fighter sites and MMA content sites (one was rated top 10 by Fight! Magazine) at one low flat rate.
MMAAdNet.com is Marketing Madness

The goal of The MMA Advertising Network (MMAAN) is to place your ad on some of the most popular MMA Websites available at a fraction of the cost of traditional CPM programs. While I am sure the cost savings will be of interest what is more important is that your ad is targeted to reach the male 18-35 demographic that traffic these sites on a regular basis. You do not have to bid for ads or hope that some billion dollar company understands the importance of the budget you bring to the table, nor do you have to worry that those ads will be wasted on non relevant impressions or being outbid for your spot.

Not only will you be able to reach your consumer but you will have the ability to change your ads on the fly giving you the ability to test the effectiveness of campaigns or the power to change your ads as your needs change. The great part is the ad changes cost you nothing and you are in control. Get the most for your money with MMA Ad Net.

What You Can Expect:

Integrity and Getting What You Paid For: We make our statistics available to any member of The MMAAN. Advertisers know where their product is seen and how often the ad is seen. Affiliate websites will know how their traffic compares to other websites and how their dividends were derived. We will always keep statistics up front and in the open. We will never charge for products we did not deliver and we will have the data to prove it. On top of that we can design your web presence and even help you build your banner advertisement campaign. Our marketing professionals can consult you on anything from Search Engine Optimization (SEO, to rolling out a cohesive marketing strategy that will elevate your brand and bottom line.

Professional and Focused Service: Our advertisements are for MMA fans that visit our affiliate networks websites. The demographic for these sites is mainly males 18-35 year olds. MMA is the fastest growing sport in the US and the internet is where they spend there time when they are not watching the fights on TV (we have marketing solutions that will get you on the fighters in the fights too if you want more) they are online discussing it. Some MMA sites receive more traffic the Oprah.com or Howardstern.com. We place your ads on MMA related websites and we focus on MMA websites to guarantee you a targeted market of MMA fans world wide. We will NOT and do NOT promote pornography or any controversial items.

MMA is our Focus and Passion: We are not a technology company trying to make money off of the sport of MMA. We are a marketing company that knows how important it is to reach the consumer you are trying to reach or get the message out that you are trying to get out. We use MMA as the advertising vehicle but we are also giving back to the MMA community. We are looking to build you the advertiser a platform that will allow you to submit the male 18-34 demographic.

Our audience at launch date was one half million impressions and now we are already at three and a half million impressions. This is based on the traffic determined through Google Analytics? reports on our current affiliate websites and their traffic in September 2008. We expect this traffic to continually increase as more websites sign up and our current affiliates gain popularity. On top of the MMA Affiliates we currently have several MMA fighters such as WEC Champ Jamie Varner, UFC Fighters CB Dollaway and Dale Hartt, and TUF 8 Stars Ryan Bader and Efrain Escudero's websites will be a part of the affiliate program.

As an advertiser, you will pay a flat monthly fee that is a fixed rate and not a CPM (Cost Per 1000). The MMAAN simply posts advertisements on a random (but equal!) basis without concern for how many impressions you are receiving. However, we do guarantee that you will never pay more than $3.00 CPM which is the lowest rate currently offered.

IF, for some reason, your banner is not displayed frequently enough and your rate is higher than $3.00 CPM, The MMAAN will calculate how many days, at the $3 CPM you would have received. The difference between that number and the num




bummed about your fight being cancelled, what is next for you?

Hey Crooklyn!


I don't know exactly where to go from here. I'm going to try to get a fight as soon as possible, but there aren't a whole lot of options out there. I've been training like crazy, so I would like to get the chance to use it on someone:-P I really hope someone with national exposure picks up the women's mma torch soon.

Well I will keep my ears peeled

Well I will keep my ears peeled

 Thanks Jason. Its been a privilege to work with you guys.


IF, for some reason, your banner is not displayed frequently enough and your rate is higher than $3.00 CPM, The MMAAN will calculate how many days, at the $3 CPM you would have received. The difference between that number and the number of days you received at the higher CPM, will be added to the end of your ad campaign, free of charge. This will be tracked throughout your campaign, and the end result will be that you will have paid $3 or less CPM cumulatively.

Our Programs:

Our ads are offered in the industry standard sizes:

Leader Board Banner Advertisement 728x90 starts at $419 a month.

Large Banner Advertisement 468x60 starts at $209 a month.

Skyscraper Banner Advertisement 120x600 starts at $169 a month.

Square Banner advertisement 125x125 starts at $96 a month.







ttt for later



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