Idk if you’re trying to be a dick, but this is probably true. I haven’t seen the inside of a gym since a wreck I had in November. My knee and wrist are just finally healed enough to put effort in.
That they’ll hunt you down and kill you
Be Ready To Be Humbled
Fully prepared. I know I won’t be able to do shit to anyone.
Idk if you’re trying to be a dick, but this is probably true. I haven’t seen the inside of a gym since a wreck I had in November. My knee and wrist are just finally healed enough to put effort in.
Not a dick. Those pre warm ups suck if you’re out of shape. Especially the shrimping. Depends on the intensity of the workout or instructor.
Best is to just get to it. One of the common themes I can attest to having come across since 2004 is whether running into someone at the mall, grocery store, bar or wherever else is that of several encounters in which an individual came up enthusiastically speaking of getting back in regardless of sincere sincerity without fail not a single individual ever did who prefaced the statement with “as soon as i get back in shape”
I would say this is just a maxim, but I think that would be understating it’s truth. I’m going to just go ahead with assuming it was an eleventh commandment given to Moses. It could be a law of particle physics. It’s eerie how true it is.
despite your relentless and unforgivable crimes against punctuation and sentence structure, you are correct.
Yeah. Condition is not my issue. I know I’ll be sucking wind. I just get cold feet when it comes to some stuff. This is kind of the first time where I have the time and the money to do it, I’ve always had one or the other and never both. Also there have only been like two schools near me up until very recently and those classes have almost always conflicted with my schedule. Truth be told it was my wife’s idea cuz she knows howl long I’ve been wanting to do it. Now everything had finally lined up and I can actually go through with it.
I was going to a gym and the warm ups/conditioning took up half the class time and it was annoying as hell.
I was going to a gym and the warm ups/conditioning took up half the class time and it was annoying as hell.
Yea warm ups should be 10 mins tops and conditioning at the end the same.
I hate that shit. Quick warm up and get to technique. Im even a fan of using drills as warm up.
Yeah, your overall fitness is your responsibility. Come early, stay late, workout at another gym, whatever, but technique, drilling, and rolling is what you are paying for.
How old are you op? Your approach will be a little different if you are 40 or older.
Train with non spaz guys is my number one advice. One spaz can injure you badly.
Train with guys that aren’t trying to take your limb home. Tap early
Figure out what you are good at and specialize in that. I’m not a full guard, triangle guy, I got for sweeps or half guard subs
- My knees are fucked just from life and my wrist and elbow are just now healed from my wreck. I’ve always heard about the spaz guys and hope they won’t try to kill me.
Can you slow down a bit = stop being an asshole.
Do not try to prove anything. This is your journey and health. Saying slow down is a good phrase for people.
So far so good. Everyone was really cool and I even knew a guy from the workout gym I’m a member of.
I didn’t spaz out and listened took my time. The kid I was paired up with was kind of a space case and didn’t really speak up when it came time to switch up positions so I kind of took charge. The instructor had us working with one of his purple belts. We were drilling north south chokes and the kid I was with wouldn’t tap until he was about to go out and the purple belt had to tell him he was tapping too late.
It’s crazy how much just drilling will wear you out. I’m definitely going back and this will be my ADD obsession for the next year. Lol