Tamden "The Barn Cat" Mccory

sucks at guitar hero 3

That is all

Video to come

I hate that game

i dont care who you are

you pick that shit up for the first time and you feel slightly retarded

oh man, can't wait for the video...

Doug is all pissy because he's a square and I kicked his ass in style points. I may only be playing on medium, but I f*kin thrash.

play rock band fuckin rules dude

rockband is light years ahead of guitar hero dude


Joe, whatever happened to the cheesey frie shirt idea???  I emailed that guy you told me to, and he said he would make designs???  I was gonna give them shits away on the UG man.

Real guitar heroes play real guitars.

...just sayin.

I wanna play Rock Band.

rock band just came out with a grateful dead music pack :) me likey

I suck at that game.

If they had Drum Hero or Internet Posting Hero, I'd do awwright.

When is your next fight Tamdan?

for the Barncat's next fight date.?.?.?

Rock Band rules!!!


lol at tamdens red wine bottle on the coffee table

I'm obviously at my finest right there.

yo upgrade, i thought you were gone for good?
Did you even make it 3 minutes before you caved?

^that guy definitely fell for the troll.