Tamura (woman champ) is WOW!!!

I don't have any data on her besides that she won worlds and olypics, but if there is a style of judo I like it's hers......Anyone has info on her?

she freak'in rocked!

she comes complete with her own cheerleaders too

Best thing about her is that she is 100% on the attack.

Wasa-B has ipponed the correct!


Like they say, "dynamo" is a perfect word to describe her and her style, she is "balls out" for sure. But she is slick as hell too. IMO that has to be the most exciting kind of althlete to watch in any combat sport: one who is technical as hell but also is super aggressive.

She is also a huge star in Japan and just married another star olympic athlete I think. She was the flag bearer for the 96 Olympics I think which she ironically did not win.

I think by now, she is the most winningest judoka in terms of combined world/olympic titles, no?

I love watching her do Judo. Being smaller and not as strong as her opponents, she had to combine speed, technique, and ferocity to win.

Ben R.

I've heard that her training revolves around the theory of attacking 10 times to her opponents 1.

effective nonetheless.

I thought she married a pro baseball player. If that's so was he in the Olympics?