Tank not a "real" fighter?

Tank gets paid $150,000 to show and $150,000 to win by the UFC. Local level fighters on here talk shit about him when they get paid $150 per fight. BJJ Blue Belts come on here and talk shit about him when they have to pay $150 to enter a "feel good" tournament.(everybody gets a medal)

Bottom line is that Tank is a bad mother fucker and fun to watch. I don't like watching him fight good people, I know he will lose. However, I would like to watch him have a steady diet of Japanese Tomato Cans. We all know that Tank isn't the best but to say he isn't a "real" fighter is rediculous.

"Blue Belts come on here and talk shit about him when they have to pay $150 to enter a "feel good" tournament."

I love feel good tournaments!

I got a box that weighs like 10 lbs full of BJJ medals from those!

like it or not, tank is an icon

Maybe they could take that 150,000 and buy some better fighters.

still fun to watch him knock mofo's out cold

He sucks but he is brutally strong. So he wins the odd fight.
he is a real brawler but not a real MMartist.

A case good perhaps could be made that Tank is good for MMA because he represents the worst case scenario in terms of attitude, strength, aggression, skill set and general approach that one is likely to meet on the street. In this sense, 'Tank' continues to connect, albeit tenuously, MMA with its roots.

On the other hand, some believe this connection is best severed because it hampers attempts at becoming mainstream. Not sure, however, this is correct - or even if mainstream should be the ultimate goal.