Team Schilling/Behring will be in Dearborn, Michigan this weekend to compete at one of Michigan's top Submission Grappling Events. Scott Schilling is entered in the No/Gi 16 Man Super Tournament and will be facing some of toughest competitive black/brown belts from the United States. Good luck to all those that are heading down.

Which competition is this?

Sorry if it's obvious, I wish I would have known ahead of time.

good luck guys!!

Its the Copa America Jiu Jitsu tournament. Plus a 16 man pro no-gi tournament. Best of luck to my fellow team mates, sorry I could not make it but I'm low on the green if you know what I mean! I'm begining my training for the Arnold/Gracie submission tournament in April, hopefully alot of guys from Schilling/Behring team will be going as well!

Good luck! :)

Good luck boys, you know I wish I could be there. I hope someone can tape it.


Good luck, guys!!!


To my fellow Americans. Watch out were commin' to getcha! Let's get them Guys!

attn:Freefaller 21

Arnold/Gracie is March 5-7

Good luck once again and drive safe!


I got Maz's recap on Scott's performance, but how did everyone else do on Scott's team?

"Shawn Geris" 1st Place GI - 1st Place NO GI

"Shyam Tanna" 4th Place GI
Shyam got totaly ripped off 1 fight lost to illegal submission another by ref screw up on points.



TTT for Scott Schilling/TEAM Behring

Thanks Pinky! Sylvio Behring Jiu-Jitsu!