I'm doing a favour for my buddies at Team Takeover.
Like the UG, TT also have their views on the whole ZUFFA/SF buyout.
Here is a link to Team Takeover Radio.......
I'll post some Vblogs asap!
Why should anyone care ?
TT memeber, Seansinha.
Ur dum.
I'm not playing that shitty clip.
var so = new SWFObject("http://www.youtube.com/v/UFeZkYdrdHw?fs=1&hl=en_GB", "postVideo-33632251-Flash", "425", "355", "9.0.28", "##000"); so.addParam("allowScriptAccess", "samedomain"); so.addParam("allowNetworking", "internal"); so.addParam("wmode", "transparent"); so.write("postVideo-33632251"); TT memeber, Seansinha.
What the fuck? A talking walrus....
I know its bad timing...but new Bloodstain & Fahrenheit Video,STRIKEFORCE:Ohio Vlog
So, I do a favour for your fuckers and this how your repay me?
I'm asking why the fuck should I waste my time to promote TT?
I won't bother anymore.
LMFAO @ WALES1. What a fucking tool. Hahahaha
The Dean of Bean -WALES1 - No.
I'm asking why the fuck should I waste my time to promote TT?
I won't bother anymore.
Why would you get a cocksword tatoo?
I Ddidn't.
A couple of gay fucks from TT stole my photo's cos I guess they liked them and then did a pretty cool photo shop.
But I gotta ask.
Why do you have it? Do you like it? Do you really like it? I'm not into guys.
They only talk shite about me when am I banned.
Post it in the main MMA forum.
You have to be a member to see the sub forums.
I've made a new account.
What's goin' on in here
BSL has a promotion?
Is this a joke?
are all those guys fat fucks wearing hoodies?
get off the pc and run a little
you'll be thankfull when you can see your dick again