Correction---2 teeth in his foot. Just checked in "No Holds Barred" by Clyde Gentry. Doctors decided to leave them in for that night because Gordeau refused to quit so they didn't want to open up the wound more.
It was a zoo backstage with the teeth, Kevin Rosier trying to twist a broken jaw back in place for his next fight (which he did), Gordeau having several breaks in his hand, Zane Frazier having a severe asthma attack, etc. Campbell McLaren said he saw Rosier in the gym that week with a Heineken and a pizza.
According to Jimmerson, after seeing Gordeau et al: "Finally my manager came to me and said 'This is what we're going to do:go in there, at the first sign of trouble we're throwing in the towel." Royce headbutted Jimmerson. He had to tap, because the towel caught on the fence and couldn't be seen.