Tell me about Romero Jacare

The ORIGINAL "Jacare"

Founder of Alliance and master of pretty much all the top jits fighter you know...

What's it like training with the man?

first of all, do not refer to it as jits. u are a tool if you do.

The truth of the matter is that jacare is a good coach to those who he wants to be. You have to be good, put in the time on the mat and express a general interest in training daily.

He is a decent man and is very nice. He has a lot of students at his gym right now and training can be tough when 50-60 students show up on any given night.

You can learn a lot from Jacare but most importantly you will learn a lot from your training partners.

I left his school to train with Traven but I still have a lot of respect for his school and I would not discourage anyone from training with him.

"first of all, do not refer to it as jits. u are a tool if you do."


props for honest answer.

Zhoo zhizoo, jits, bjj, ground gung fu, what's in a name...

The important thing is that the guy has created a LOT of champions. So that's saying something about his skills.

Can someone describe his game? Guardgame? Top pressure?

He can not pronounce the letter "T" in the middle of words due to a bone disease.

Hes a pretty small guy, i always assumed he was alot bigger.

Have no idea what his game is like. not trying to take anything away from him, he has produced some really good world class guys(viera brothers, fabio gurgel etc), but his students have produced alot of the great alliance guys like cobrinha, terere, marcelo garcia etc.

The student usually reflects the teacher. If Jacares students are all out producing champions, Im sure its no accident.


jits jits jits jits jits jits jits


Very good Jiu-Jitsu.  More sport jiu-jitsu focused, but has had several students compete successfully in MMA.   Probably the second most influential person in the history of sport jiu-jtisu behind only Carlos Gracie Jr.

He is hardcore and intense.  If he likes you he likes you, and if he doesn't he doesn't.  And you will be able to tell. (I've been on both sides!)

Here is intervista with Jacare from a few yiears, ago.

Is from where the story of that Rolls found the triangle choke from a judo book by his student Sucuri was started.

Ask Don Mega about Jacare's photography skills!

"What's it like training with the man?"

this should be good... max nuthuggery will no doubt follow!

grabbing popcorn :)

I know a lot of his students went their own ways. I'm just wondering what his teaching style is like.

There are 2 main lines in sports bjj; Carlos Jr and the Gracie Barra line and Jacare's Alliance line.
Jacare has produced amazing people such as Roberto Traven, Grugel, Castello-Branco, Paiva, etc...
These students of his have produced some of the best bjj players around like Leo Vieria, Terrere (sp), Marcelo Garcia, etc..

Jacare's classes are structured like so: about 1.5 hours in length, longer at times. Warm ups, Judo type throws/maybe some wrestling type shoots, couple of self defense techs, a few ground techs, and then you roll.

Jacare's teaching style is more similar to the Gracie's style for obvious reasons. Very structured in what he shows. For examples beginners learn hip escapes, technical standup,etc.. Definite progression in what he teaches and how he teaches.

Really good at the basics, not a real flashy type of style and teacher. His guys are solid in all positions. He pushes people to compete and compete alot.

He won't show much interest in you unless you want to compete and compete alot. He definitely has his boys. He can be detailed in his instruction but I have also seen him not really care to much about teaching on a particular day. You have to weed through his bs to get the essence of his style of bjj.

My 2 cents.

There are 2 main lines in sports bjj; Carlos Jr and the Gracie Barra line and Jacare's Alliance line.

Erm dude, 3, what about Carlson sr: all the btt guys, pederneiras and nov uniao

BTT-- known for MMA first and foremost. Killer MMA guys, some really strong submission wrestlers, some high quality bjj players. No doubt there.

Novia Uniao: Known for their lighter weight bjj fighters and for MMA. Roubson Moura, Shaolin, BJ Penn are no doubt some awesome bjj players.

Nothing against Carlson's lineage, he has produced some fantastic bjj players. But in sport bjj, I still think that Barra and Alliance have the top 2 spots. MMA, Carlson's lineage is extremely strong and is probably the best bjj/mma lineage around, no argument there.

List the creme de la creme of bjj players and the majority comes out of these lineages. Roger, Marcelo, Terrere, Leo, Comprido, Telles, Romulu, Cobrinha,Mario Reis, Galvao, Drysdale, etc..
I know Xande and Lovato are from Royler's lineage, but if you look at the raw numbers Barra and Alliance has way more "top" bjj players.

Also, who won 1st and 2nd place at the Pan Ams and Mundials, you guessed it Barra and Alliance.

But hell at the end of the day, it all flows from Helio's line. Helio trained Carlos Jr., Helio and his kids trained Jacare. So I guess this is all a moot point.


I think that if you look at the current picture of sport BJJ, you are correct, but historically Carlson's guys (prior to the split) held most of the titles each year in the sport.

True Andre. I am talking about all the people that flow from the lineages including bb that broke away.
Eg., when I am talking about Alliance I also include Brasa, Traven, Castello Branco (who's student taught Marcello Garcia until he was a brown belt), etc...

I am speaking about the current picture, roughly the past 10 years or so. Alliance has 2 world team championships in that span, Barra has how many?
Alliance and Barra athletes place at the top of their division in that span year in and year out.The athletes that win from these lineages are proof that these are the dominant sport lineages today.

Back in the day, I give it you. Carlson had some of the best fighters. Alot of that had to do with Carlson willingness to teach anybody. Carlson had a bigger talent pool to work with, which always leads to better results. But comparing the good old days today's compeition seen isn't an apples to apples comparison.

I'd venture a guess, since the later half of the 90s, Alliance and Barra have dominated the tourney scene.
The tourney scene has grown and changed alot as well. So its kind of hard comparing yesterday to today.

Good points. Thanks!