Telles is a freak

I mean that in the most complimentary way possible.

Anyone see him compete this weekend at the Pan Ams? Man, he has the weirdest style and yet it is so tough for even the top guys to handle. He really tries new things, truly new things, and that level of experimentation can only come after a mastery of the fundamentals. I dont get his game at all, but in most cases it works.

That turtle gaurd looks so frustrating to try and figure out.

I know! Its weird the way he almost lays stomach down on the mat and no one knows how to take advantage of it.

Id love to see some footage of it.

Which tournament DVDs have some of his fights?

Is there any footage online?

Andre is right about that. Telles is a freak, and as sick as I think Braulio is I don't know if he solved that guard. I think he may have caught what he got on the scramble.

Either way, it was genius of him to go for the far arm and pull to mount even though Telles almost had the caught arm out.

Good to meet you Andre. Tough Pan Ams for both of us. Next year.

Great meeting you too, man! Next year for sure.

I didn't realize how flexible he was until seeing his matches on Sunday.

I would just pull guard on him, forget messing with that turtle guard.

What would Rickson do?

I would stomp his head.

I would stomp his head. - For some reason, this had me laughing really hard.

I saw some seminar footage of him.

Hes a good teacher and seems a good guy.

His matches with Lovato were AWSOME!

u gotta stick ur fingerin his butt....

He was great as well as all the top guys!!

I have no doubt that Telles is a wizard on the ground, but that video is a compelling argument for how far Sport BJJ has been removed from the "fighting" art it once was.

that is really strange just to watch him (telles) creep down to the turtle position and i agree with David Lea's post, some sport bjj players really have let the concept of trying to win go and just try not to lose.

Sport BJJ is an absolute waste of time if your just training for self defense.

Pulling guard, mastering the "turtle position" etc are ways to get stomped on the street.


I disagree about his game. I think it has not served him well in the past. The opportunity cost becomes greater with time, when people figure out his game (i.e. Braulio triangle choked him this past weekend).

I have watched him for the past 3 years, and I think he has given up alot staying in the "turtle" position. That is not to say that he has some great sweeps from there - which I think he does. But, to use the turtle as a default position, will be a disaster for any average student.

i am willing to bet that Telles would whoop just about any street fighter out there. Also if you think he would fight the same way he competes in jiu-jitsu you are dilusional.


That's exactly my point. BJJ used to be about effective fighting/ vale tudo/ self defense.... Sport BJJ has become something quite different.

that is now called mma.