Thank You All Down Under!

I wish to thank all of the great MMA fans and all whom I had the pleasure to work with and meet at the NHB event in Melbourne last week.

I just returned to Los Angeles and am honored and truly appreciate the care and reception I received from all of you. I feel MMA and the NHB event have a huge chance of becoming big in Australia. I met great fans of the sport and had a great time with all of you.

I will always support John Donahue, Joe Cursio and their team. They work hard to promote NHB/MMA Down Under and they treated Randy Couture and I 1st class and we both had one of the best times we can remember during our stay. We both laughed more than I think we ever have and I nominate Joe Cursio for comedian of the year!

I have been informed that I will be invited back to host another show in the near future which I look forward to, plus I now have a special love for your beautiful Australian women.

"Big Cheers and Thanks Again to All Whom I had the Pleasure to Meet Down Under!"


Bruce Buffer

Your "Voice of MMA, NHB and the UFC Octagon"

Thanks for the autograph Bruce.

Great amabassador for the sport.

TTT for the Buffer!!
- Juggs

Hi Bruce,

First and foremost, Happy Birthday!!!

Second, when I spoke to you after the show, you mentioned that you wanted to go to Bells beach to do some surfing, did you end up going?

To repeat what AcademiaPikachu said, your a great ambassador for the sport. I think I speak for all when I say you did a phenomenal job and at the show and that you are welcome back here any time.


Thanks Bruce, glad you had such a great time here. Spread the word!!! :)


I didn't make it to Bell's beach on Sunday like I planned although the fun I had in Melbourne over the weekend more than made up for it.

I'll give the shirt off my back to any great fan of MMA anytime. Fun hangin with you also.

You all made my trip very memorable.


Nice one Bruce, look forward to seeing you down under again soon.

Bruce, it seems you made quite an impression while you were here.

Now you can use that popular joke about how you are "quite big down under"



Hey Bruce,

It was great to catch up with you again. Thanks for taking the time to come out here and support MMA Downunder. We'll definitely catch up again when you're down next.


thanks bruce!