Thank You Wand

That is a great story!! Congrats on landing the job :)

Great story. Wand seems like an awesome dude.

 Great story!


goldleader - Learn how to use paragraphs before you venture into journalism.

Do you type on internet forums in the same manner as you would writing a paper? I typed this up while I was watching the pre-show. Sorry bro but sentence structure was the last thing on my mind. 

MMA Authority Mag -  I looked down and seen the people at the press table and instantly knew that I wanted to live that life.

I'm amazed by the sheer number of self-proclaimed "MMA journalists" who make the simplest of grammatical errors and don't have a clue about MMA. So you're telling me that this magazine hired a 19-year-old to be its editor and that you got to be a mod here as a result?

And people wonder why "MMA journalism" isn't taken seriously.

Oy vey!!

 Great story  Wand is a great guy.  I was nervous when I met him last year at his gym, but Wand was very easy going. 

 Wanderlei is the best. I was fortunate enough to do a seminar last summer when he came to Toronto for the first time.

I fought amateur, and by far the highlight of my training and fighting days was when I got to practice the technique he was teaching (half guard offense) with Wanderlei.

He was awesome and I dont think I have ever met someone who had a bad experience with the guy. He literally loves and really does appreciate his fans to the fullest!

 This is cool.  You never know when something seemingly insignificant will change your life.

Good luck.

Ron Jamdeen - 
MMA Authority Mag -  I looked down and seen the people at the press table and instantly knew that I wanted to live that life.

I'm amazed by the sheer number of self-proclaimed "MMA journalists" who make the simplest of grammatical errors and don't have a clue about MMA. So you're telling me that this magazine hired a 19-year-old to be its editor and that you got to be a mod here as a result?

And people wonder why "MMA journalism" isn't taken seriously.

Oy vey!!

I've never once claimed to be a great journalist. You're saying I don't have the first clue about MMA? Look, I know that everyone is going to have people that disagree with them about stuff, but I would appreciate if you would at least check out my work in the magazine before passing judgment. If you read one of my articles and don't like it then I would be happy to hear your criticism. What matters most to me is that I've developed relationships with a lot of the fighters, and they actually contact me to get interviewed now. Like I said, you can talk bad about me all day, but only if you've read my work first :) 


 That's a dope story. Sort of similar to mine. 

Ron Jamdeen - 
MMA Authority Mag -  I looked down and seen the people at the press table and instantly knew that I wanted to live that life.

I'm amazed by the sheer number of self-proclaimed "MMA journalists" who make the simplest of grammatical errors and don't have a clue about MMA. So you're telling me that this magazine hired a 19-year-old to be its editor and that you got to be a mod here as a result?

And people wonder why "MMA journalism" isn't taken seriously.

Oy vey!!

 and this guy is a fucking asshole. 



Awesome. I have never been a huge Wand fan but some of the stories I hear about make it sound like one of the classiest fighters out there.


leave him alone - he's 19

Great story and best of luck with the writing

Wand is the nicest , most humble dude I've ever met . I had dinner with him and his team the night before his fight , and I saw him get up to take photo's many times while eating , so happy to do so , and really friendly to everyone . Best night of my life , I've been a big fan since the 90's when I first saw him fight . Later that night I was playing him at pool and he was whipping me , 1 ball and the black only and I hadnt sunk a ball yet , then I started to clean the table , and won . When I was shooting the black Wand was distracting me like an old friend . All night he was taking photos and chatting to people . I couldnt sleep that night , I just met my 2 of idol's ( Wandy and Rafael ) .

^^^^ Did I mention that his wrists are bulging more than my biceps !!

joemasepoos - Wand is the nicest , most humble dude I've ever met . I had dinner with him and his team the night before his fight , and I saw him get up to take photo's many times while eating , so happy to do so , and really friendly to everyone . Best night of my life , I've been a big fan since the 90's when I first saw him fight . Later that night I was playing him at pool and he was whipping me , 1 ball and the black only and I hadnt sunk a ball yet , then I started to clean the table , and won . When I was shooting the black Wand was distracting me like an old friend . All night he was taking photos and chatting to people . I couldnt sleep that night , I just met my 2 of idol's ( Wandy and Rafael ) .

Nice story, thanks for sharing man :)

That is awesome man congrats! and good luck too you in the future! looking fwd to reading youre articles!