Thank You Wand


  "I looked down and seen the people at the press table....."

Engrish is your friend, a grammer touch up is in order.

Having said that, props on the initiative, work hard and have fun.

mongo54 -   "I looked down and seen the people at the press table....."

Engrish is your friend, a grammer touch up is in order.

Having said that, props on the initiative, work hard and have fun.

Like I said before, I don't pay attention to grammar on an internet forum. I typed this up while watching the pre-show so I didn't exactly have grammar on my mind :)

Congrats, Kalin!

A journalist always remembers their first interview when breaking into a new field. I think mine was heavyweight contender Michael Grant.

MMA guys are very easy to work with for the most part and many have great stories. Keep working and doing your thing!

He's genuinely excited that you're excited to meet him. Cool as hell!

HYBRID JON -  Awesome story, Awesome fighter and champion... There was a video posted on here a few days ago that I think evry fan (especially newer MMA fans should watch).  One of the fighters it focused on was Wandy.  Here is a link to the video...

Great story OP, and thank you for this video, makes me feel good about these fighters and helps to quell the rage that I get every time I see my favorite guys lose nowadays. QQ nog from last weekend.

CONGRATS WAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bisping sucks and blows at the same time!

All Time Great

 Glad you enjoyed it JonnK, I cant take credit for making it but one of the things that urks me the most with MMA is how quick people are to turn on and bash a legend.  It sickens me with boxing, but 100 times more with MMA.  With the sport of MMA, these guys are litteraly the pioneers of the sport, guys like Silva, Saku, Royce, Chuck, Randy... 

The video was awesome and I really liked how it payed hommage and respectfully illustrated how domminant these fighters once were, but also the inevitable... they will, and do decline with the years.

But it was a nice touch at the end, when it was mentioned that just "maybe" they have one big night left in them...   That quote and that part of the video immidiately jumpped in my head whe they announced Silva as the winner Saturday night.

Great Story , I fucken love Wandy!!!!!TTT for the Axe Murderer


Give it a few years, kid. You'll be bitching about your seat in the press section, and then complaining about the lack of refreshments backstage. That is when you know you have arrived.

amberlamps - wandy is the man.

there was an old video of don frye talking about meeting wandy for the first that tells you what type of person wandy really is like.

Really? I would like to see that if anyone knows where I could find the video.

really cool. good job man!

MMA Authority Mag - 
amberlamps - wandy is the man.

there was an old video of don frye talking about meeting wandy for the first that tells you what type of person wandy really is like.

Really? I would like to see that if anyone knows where I could find the video.


Awesome story bro. Real happy for you, and my love for Wand grows and grows.

WEEZmatical - 
MMA Authority Mag - 
amberlamps - wandy is the man.

there was an old video of don frye talking about meeting wandy for the first that tells you what type of person wandy really is like.

Really? I would like to see that if anyone knows where I could find the video.


If you havent seen that Don Frye clip you should really get PRIDE Decade and watch the whole documentary.

That is sort of surprising, yet awesome, to hear with Wand being such a savage in the ring. I've met tons of fighters over the years; but him, Sak, Genki, and Fedor are on the top of my yet to meet list.