Thank You Wand


HYBRID JON -  Awesome story, Awesome fighter and champion... There was a video posted on here a few days ago that I think evry fan (especially newer MMA fans should watch).  One of the fighters it focused on was Wandy.  Here is a link to the video...

Great video. Only criticism is the monotone narrator.

MMA Authority Mag - 
mongo54 -   "I looked down and seen the people at the press table....."

Engrish is your friend, a grammer touch up is in order.

Having said that, props on the initiative, work hard and have fun.

Like I said before, I don't pay attention to grammar on an internet forum. I typed this up while watching the pre-show so I didn't exactly have grammar on my mind :)

Keep in mind the nature of the internet.

You are young and don't want to hear criticism, but surely it is not too hard to use correct grammar and hit enter a few times to allow the people who are forming opinions about you to easily read what you write.

Everything you write will reflect upon your career. This is one of your 1st lessons.

Congrats on your success and great story!

Several months ago, I got to train at a seminar Wand was running.
The man could not have been cooler. Friendly, humble, just very cool.

Damn, it never ceases to amaze me about the stories of how genuine and humble of a human being Wand is.I've heard them for years and everyone comes away wit the VERY SAME impression.

TTT and War Wand forever!!

There were only a couple of us at the time at this training session. Wand could see I was nervous and came over and shook my hand. I told him that I had been watching him and was a fan for many years! He smiled and slapped me on the shoulder like he was a friend!

I saw him a few times over the week and he had no hestation and was genuinely happy to take a photo with hundreds of fans. At no time did he seem perterbed. Not once.

Even drunk, I got the stare down pic!


Wand is a true legend of the sport!



When I was in Brazil, I went to meet wanderlei at press conference with my girlfriend, and he took time to talk to me while some important looking dudes were asking him twice that they are waiting for him. He was pure class!! Then he invited us to watch interview, and to attend post conference lunch with his manager.

I was just visiting and told him i'm a huge fan and had all his fights on VHS then :-)) He was already Pride champ at the time.


Im gonna go watch my 'best of Wand' Dvd again!!

BenBJJ - There were only a couple of us at the time at this training session. Wand could see I was nervous and came over and shook my hand. I told him that I had been watching him and was a fan for many years! He smiled and slapped me on the shoulder like he was a friend!

I saw him a few times over the week and he had no hestation and was genuinely happy to take a photo with hundreds of fans. At no time did he seem perterbed. Not once.

Even drunk, I got the stare down pic!


Wand is a true legend of the sport!



And a gentleman.



Wand is a legend, true sportsman and seems such a genuinely nice guy to boot as well when I've seen him on the TV.

Wand is the man

It never gets old hearing stories about him

I would love to shake his hand some day

I remember you telling me this story when i was "thetrollsmasher" right after it happened, i was asking about mma writing jobs. Awesome story i was happy to read it again

That is frickin awesome, you just dont here about that kind of stuff from high profile athletes very often. WAR WAND!

White Culture - I remember you telling me this story when i was "thetrollsmasher" right after it happened, i was asking about mma writing jobs. Awesome story i was happy to read it again

 For real?  I'm not sure I remember bro.  When was the last time we spoke?

I can only hope i'm lucky enough to meet Wand one day.

ttt for one of the best guys ever, in and out of the ring.

 ttt for Wand
