
That crazy sh!t almost folded Silva in half. Must have hurt the next morning.

"That crazy sh!t almost folded Silva in half. Must have hurt the next

I was thinking the same thing, he will feel that somewhere down the

He almost landed with a heavy left........(butt-cheek that is).

Wow, and to think the ref was this (=) close to stepping in to stand 'em up. We would have never had the pleasure. Probably blocked out the sun from Silva's POV.(youknowwhatImean)

He never got to do that in K-1.

HA Ha..Looks like a bully having fun during a good old fashioned school yard whoopin

I was thinking the same thing...Silva's back must hurt like a mofo.

It looks like a Hulk Hogan leg drop attempt that went wrong lol. Huntmania would have been running wild in mere seconds if he landed that.