the crossroads

Has anyone reached a point or experienced a feeling where they aren't into the over the top violent aspect of MA anymore? Specifically being the self defense kind of bite eye gouge stuff. And what did you do or change in your MA training when you experienced this? I am at a crossroads in training where the learning upteen different ways to maim or kill another human being doesn't cut it anymore. Just looking for advice or you can share your experiences with this as well.

"Has anyone reached a point or experienced a feeling where they aren't into the over the top violent aspect of MA anymore? Specifically being the self defense kind of bite eye gouge stuff. And what did you do or change in your MA training when you experienced this?"

happenend to me a couple of years ago. actually closer to 6 or 7 years ago.
basically the short answer of what ended up happening, was that it all become great FUN (for lack of a better word ... though there really might not be one) I, as others have expressed, began to simply "enjoy the process" and i currently revel in being fortunate enough to spend entire days simply cultivating an environment where individuals can experience that unique phenomenon for themselves.

In my mind I basically stopped training to fit someone else's paradigm about how and why i should be training, and what martial arts are all about in general. Certificates, rank, and secret drills ... competely lost their appeal and mysticism. I was no longer interested in "carrots on a stick" or did i ever look at the big dude in the elevator and think, "can i take this guy". i never had to worry or care about a pat-down at a club or show cuz i was never "carrying" or any related non-sense. (for a non-LEO professional, of course ;-)

my training specifically focused around more of the tangible - physical and competitive (on the mat, in the ring, or tournament) Actually SWEATING for the workout became important. ;-) not always succeeding in drills or sparring become even more important, cuz it meant that something in the bigger picture (ironically enough) was being done right.

i realized when i was at that crossroads that i had at long last finally discovered for myself that the cliched promise of martial arts as a vehicle for self-growth and discovery was not rubbish. i was at last confronting my ego, finding out more about myself, my true nature and accepting the good and along with the bad. Because in the end it was all about the need for honesty and authenticity, especially at the very root of the phsyical that allowed me to really see who i am, and what i value. Now that i have an uncorrupted view of that, there's no more BS to cut through, and like I started saying earlier, has made this really all about love and fullfillment.

but that doesn't mean i don't like kicking ass from time to time ... it impresses the chicks!

just my .02 ;-)

Great post!

Nice post Christian!

I concur. That is a great post. I spent the better part of 20 years searching for the ultimate MA to survive realistic encounters but it is all in vain. I believe MA especially alive training can help but it definitely only a small part of what MA can give you. My goal now is to find something that can be alot more fullfilling and help with self growth and discovery like you said.

thanks guys.

Luis - are you having Matt come down to SoFlo anytime soon??

That's beautifully put Christian. Thanks for sharing that.

The truth is in (or out) there. - Dave Copeland


Looks like August. Not confirmed just yet.
