The Dragon.

So with the fight vs Ryan Bader officially announced. WHO IS PREPARED TO JUMP ON THE LYOTO 'THE DRAGON' MACHIDA WARWAGON!!! Yeaaah my fav fighter! YESS! Common out brothers of Karate! Phone Post

UGCTT_Rychek -  Is it even a bandwagon still? Didn't those wheels get de-railed? Either way.... FUCK YES MACHIDA GONNA FUCK HIM UP!!!!! Ryan bader dont do that pee drinking shit so he is gonna get his mouth fucked up!!!!
Haha yess! He don't have the special 'Machida Brew' Phone Post

brianlg - Want to see machida fight jones again. Phone Post
He did quite well brother! But my little heart could never take seeing him get dropped like that again. But this isn't a time to lament THIS IS A TIME FOR VICTORY. Flying.Crane Kick anybody! Phone Post

TTT for the Dragon!

Gonna hit Bader with a ball of the foot mawashi-geri to chin or body and take him out.

One of my favorite fighters for sure. Pretty sad how a couple losses can turn casual fans on a fighter like that.

I'm still on the war wagon. Phone Post

 I never jumped off

Machida is still one of my favorite fighters

UGCTT_RickStorm -  I never jumped off

Machida is still one of my favorite fighters


DiscipleDojo - 
UGCTT_RickStorm -  I never jumped off

Machida is still one of my favorite fighters


Lyoto Machida drinks urine Yoshizo

YES! I knew there was huge fans of the Dragon! 'Cause you're the best around! Ain't nothing gonna hold us down!' Phone Post

This guys has qualms with Lyoto's choice of nickname

go Machida!

no can defense

MachidasBrew 209TT - YES! I knew there was huge fans of the Dragon! 'Cause you're the best around! Ain't nothing gonna hold us down!' Phone Post
No can defense! Phone Post

UGCTT_RickStorm -  I never jumped off

Machida is still one of my favorite fighters


 Macida just tweeted this picture...

He's working on his mount game.

Bader's screwed.

UGCTT_buchu8oolong - I'm still on the war wagon.

War Urinal NOT War Wagon.

War Machida!