"The Fighter"?

Saw this today.

Bale is on form as Dicky Ecklund but I didn't it find that good a film.

Before the film I would not have thought Mickey Ward's story was worthy of a major Hollywood production and after seeing the film I still don't.

That said, with regards the actual boxing Wahlberg does a passable imitation of Mickey Ward, especially the left hook.

But Ward never did Mayweather padwork....

Minor spoilers......



The film ends with Ward's fight against Shea Neary where he won the WBU world title. The fight was on the undercard of Hamed-Bungu back in 2000.

It wasn't a bad film, JR, but I didn't like it much either...

Neither one of you must be a real boxing fan. Mickey Ward is one of my favorites.

A working class guy with a lot going against him gos on to become WBU champ.

No one thought he was in the same league as Gatti. In one of the most brutal fights in recent history he proves everyone wrong.

Im a Mickey Ward fan and I liked the movie as well. Bale WAS Dick Eklund. Wahlberg did ok too but imagine its a lot harder to play someone like Mickey Ward. Hes a quiet guy.

How can you make a movie about Ward and not include the Gatti fights?

PoundforPound - How can you make a movie about Ward and not include the Gatti fights?

It would have been a mistake to try and recreate that fight on film.

OKMike - Neither one of you must be a real boxing fan. Mickey Ward is one of my favorites.

Quite the opposite. I like and respect Mickey Ward a lot.

His fights were always worth watching.

That said, Mickey's rise from being working class stepping stool to become WBU champ is not unique nor deserving of Hollywood narration.

And outside the ring, Mickey Ward is just not that interesting a guy. He is decent, polite, and considered to all around him. Good attributes yes but not the characteristics that make great drama.

As far as I am concerned, Mickey Ward was never a world champion. I doubt you'll find any real boxing fans who would disagree.

It was one of the most interesting boxing films I've ever seen. Mickey Ward's story had a type of conflict that isn't given a lot of screen time.

The mayweather padwork bothered me, too. It's not even that interesting to look at. Watching someone smash the pads looks a lot more intimidating, imo.

Bale did something amazing with his role. Damon and Pitt were in talks to take the role. Very few people could have done what Bale did. He could have phoned in a standard hollywood performance, but he gave himself the hardest task imaginable and did unbelievable things.

OKMike - Neither one of you must be a real boxing fan. Mickey Ward is one of my favorites.

Mike, what JR said. It's worth repeating. And just because a film is about X, and you didn't like the film very much, doesn't mean that (a) you don't know anything about X (b) you don't know anything about boxing (c) you didn't like X as a fighter or as a person.

LK, Bale's performance was first-rate. He was the supporting actor but he stole the show.

I thought it was great, maybe he is not a charismatic guy but his story is compelling and his rise to champion was amazing

CMX - I thought it was great, maybe he is not a charismatic guy but his story is compelling and his rise to champion was amazing

Despite what the film says Micky Ward was never a world champion.

Did anyone else find the fight scenes a bit lame? I think this movie is great but was hoping for better fight scenes. Phone Post

And let's face it. The happy ending is probably far from the truth.

Just watched this last night.

How accurate is the movie in terms of stories and timelines?

Bale stole the movie. I loved when the woman blows smoke in the guys face and he freaks out. Maybe not "worth a Hollywood movie" but it's easily relatable and a tale of one mans struggle with adversities. Hollywood is running out of ideas Phone Post

Saw it with a friend, we both really enjoyed it. I was upset that the Gatti fights weren't in it, but it would've been hard as fuck to reproduce them Phone Post

Captain America - Saw it with a friend, we both really enjoyed it. I was upset that the Gatti fights weren't in it, but it would've been hard as fuck to reproduce them Phone Post

You never seen Rocky? Post Rocky 1 the fight scenes were pretty much like watching Gatti Ward

If I recall correctly, the fights scenes in "Raging Bull" and that Daniel Day-Lewis film... also "The Boxer"? aren't bad.

BL, I recall hearing that Will Smith had a lot of trouble w/ the boxing scenes and making them look realistic.

I know that DDL prepared very seriously for that role, as he does for all of his films. The story that I like about DeNiro is how he gained weight for the later scenes. He would begin his morning by eating a dozen glazed donuts... Now that's what being an actor is all about!