The Fighting Style of James T. Kirk

Slack's log,

Do you like silly, bollocks? I, wrote this piece in a fit of, boredom. Managed to get it over, to Vice front page.

I hope you don't mind, clicking the link!



Among all the qualities required to command a ship and its crew, undoubtedly the most important is an officer's ability in hand-to-hand combat. You don't know where you'll be, or what you'll be doing, when your phaser gets knocked out of your hand and goes skidding across the floor. Or when diplomatic discussions and love-making with an alien race will fall through, and you'll have to fist fight for your life.

No man understood this as well as Captain James T. Kirk of the USS Enterprise. Throughout the 2200s, Kirk captained his ship to countless unknown worlds and met a perhaps difficult-to-believe number of hostile civilizations. Often complex political dealings would boil down to a test of Kirk's fighting prowess and he was forced to battle in the knowledge that his failure could leave his crew in jeopardy. Or worse than that—dead.

Kirk is remembered for his leadership and his many conquests, but he was a man of letters too. One who read Milton, and who understood the importance of looking to the past. In an age of phasers, Kirk kept alive the ancient fighting traditions of his ancestors, and in this guide we will look at a few of his methods. Perhaps they will help you gain rank, perhaps they will simply make you feel more at ease when you realize that you're the only one in the landing party wearing a red jumper.

One of Kirk's most famous duels was that with the selectively bread warlord, Khan Noonien Singh. With the Enterprise on a course to self-destruction, only Khan stood in between Kirk and the controls. But as Khan asserted, he was five times as strong as Kirk. He was smarter than Kirk. He was even, apparently, a more attractive specimen to women—as hard as that is for us fellows to believe—as he had charmed the fickle Lt. McGuivers into aiding him in his plans. In a bout where he was at such a tremendous disadvantage, Kirk used all of the tools at his disposal.

The axe handle strikes which had served him so well in the past seemed to fail him against Khan. Axe handle strikes, for the ordinary man, are a great way to break your fingers. Perhaps this was bad form catching up with Kirk—who was notorious for not playing by the book.


He later repeated the same mistake against the gorn. As close as he was, even James Kirk wasn't perfect.


With his signature drop kick and axe handle strikes proving ineffective, and his back to the wall, Kirk held Khan off with one of the most under-rated techniques in the ancient arsenal: the head scissors.

Illogical or inspired?

This bought Kirk the time to detach a hand pump from the soap dispensing unit behind him, and use it to beat Khan to the floor.


The head scissors is a technique from the foggiest days of antiquity. A classical catch-as-catch-can wrestling technique which would have been regularly visible in Northern England through the 1930s and 1940s, at Wigan's famous Snake Pit gym. A great many variations of it have appeared throughout history. One instance occurred in Khan's own time, as Minoru Suzuki found a crooked head scissors neck crank after attacking with an arm bar against Vernon White. If only Khan had spent more time watching Pancrase in 1993 than he spent trying to force eugenics on the world, he would have been prepared.

Continues, at,



Batman deserves analysis. Adam West reinvented striking in the 60s.

I always laughed when the Star Trek guys do the double hammer fist for a knockout. Phone Post 3.0

Thinknig about the long fight scene from They Live next :P

Kirk was obviously a judoka. Tomo Nage was his go to move! Second only to the axe handle chop. But he also used knife hand strikes, which as you all know, used to be called the Judo-Chop! Phone Post 3.0

Tomoe. Stupid non-letting-you-edit app! Phone Post 3.0

Jack Slack -

Thinknig about the long fight scene from They Live next :P

Lol do Roadhouse Phone Post 3.0

Dat woman punch though
perfect scene.

To, the top.

Jack Slack -

To, the top.

I like it mucho. Phone Post 3.0

JudOWNED - Kirk was obviously a judoka. Tomo Nage was his go to move! Second only to the axe handle chop. But he also used knife hand strikes, which as you all know, used to be called the Judo-Chop! Phone Post 3.0
Correct. The man lived for the Tome Name.

In the episode 'Charlie X', we see him training his martial arts in a pair of tights. Phone Post 3.0

Tomo Nage, I meant. Feckin autocorrect. Phone Post 3.0

MMA Playwright - Batman deserves analysis. Adam West reinvented striking in the 60s.
His style was so brutal they had to censor all of the impacts. Hard to find raw footage of the heads exploding and limbs flying. Phone Post 3.0

Hilarious :D Phone Post 3.0

And...this wins my VU for the day. Phone Post 3.0

lol this is gold

If you want to see an old-timey TV show that got the fighting scenes right, check out 'The Saint' with Roger Moore. I don't know who their stunt coordinator was, but it was chock full of legit Judo techniques. No double axehandles or drop kicks for Simon Templar, just lots and lots of Ippons onto breakaway furniture mixed in with some face punching (which also eschewed the typical Hollywood big looping hooks for more technical crosses and straights).

Imagine Captain Kirk vs Austin Powers?


The crowd would go nuts.

Kirik is a huge Star Trek Fan.

I also used to watch religiously.

James T Kirk was a badass in skin tight pajamas.

Sub Phone Post 3.0