The "fist" pose when taking pictures with fighters

People say its sad and goofy to take a pic with a famous person and add a fist pose to it, but i guess theres nothing wrong of youre the douche bag who creeps photos and saves said photos of other people, to put on display for others down the road to prove your point..... Phone Post

Perfer Et Obdura -

Lame IMO

lol @ an epic FRB pic -

That guy was reduced to a troll after that ripfest

Anyone have an example of the "jiu jitsu pose" variation? Two sweaty guys who just got done rolling with one arm around each other the other with at least one hand in thumbs up pozzishhh... Phone Post


I have done the Tiger Claw, the not happy to be choked, and the happy to be collar choked...

I like having the memories so I enjoy taking the pictures, but the fist is lame and a regular picture is too boring.

RickMartelsArrogance - 
sinceufc2 - Getting pictures with famous people is lame- the fist does make it worse.


Fighters tolerate the pic requests because they know fans pay the bills, but most get sick of having 100 guys wanting to come up and hug on them for a photo while making some retarded fist every day.

When you meet Dale Earnhardt Jr do you strike your best driving pose? Run into A-rod in the mall and ask for a photo of him and you in batting stances?

YOU are a dip shit and the analogies SUCK.

1) Does Dale Jr. make a driving pose????
2) Does A-Rod make a batting stance pose???

The answer is NO.

Do fighters make a fist pose when they take a picture...yes.

Do fighters do a shaka....yes

Nice try though... but you are still not cool.

you guys sound like a bunch of ladies bickering over some other womans dress. who cares if they do a fist pose.

but i will say the picture i saw earlier of pat barry and stefan struve with struve doing the fist post blew my mind. a fighter doing the fist pose with another fighter? craaaazy.

Some of em look like theyve never thrown a punch in their lives...

Like if you were to poke test their guts, your finger would just sink into oblivion...

tikmovado -
Knarkilla -  Can't go wrong using the Iceman "hang loose" Phone Post

Yes, this is just as gay as drinking your lunch from a used bloody shit covered condom.

What's that like guy? Phone Post

10eroftheyear - 
FenceGrab - OP is stealing points Rogan made years ago.

This Phone Post

What are you the topic police?? You think I am coming up with this claiming I am the only one who thought of it ?? Is it one thread per thought?

Ok I confess.... I secretly made an alliance with Carlos Mencia. Carlos had a plan to steals some of Rogan's comedy and my plan was to steal Rogan's Fist picture idea.

It is a fucking thread to have fun... lighten up Francis.

What I've learned: Hasha' seems to love throwing up the fist pose...... as does Tito.

If they do it & don't care, stop being the Joe Rogan police.

frb is a fag though...

This is one of the most pointless threads I've ever seen. Why would you care what another man does when taking a picture?

I throw up the "W".

Lol I too always laugh at the fist pose! One day when I'm an awesome top ranked fighter I'm bringing back the the old school peace sign! Phone Post

RocknRolla - I throw up the "W".

Lol the "westside" W or the "George W Bush" W? Phone Post

Fist pose is lame... It's like taking a picture with Kobe Bryant and doing a jump-shot pose Phone Post

Fist poses are only ever acceptable when meeting Vince Neil.

fedro - Fist pose is lame... It's like taking a picture with Kobe Bryant and doing a jump-shot pose Phone Post

NO... no it is not.

you and another dipshit are waaaay off.

I have never seen Kobe take a picture doing a jump shot pose.

Tiger never stopped and did a golf swing...

Gretzky never stopped for the camera and did a slap shot pose.

BUT... fighter ALWAYS stop for the camera and give a fist pose.

So yes, fans look like dorks when they do it, but it is not way off. They are not out of line. just dorks. Just fans!!!

At an event in BC a few months ago I took the opportunity to slide a paper sign over top of Cody McKenzie's rock, only to realize afterwards that Jonathon Brookins inadvertantly through out some scissors to take me out of the game.