The "fist" pose when taking pictures with fighters

RocknRolla -
RowdyYates - 
RocknRolla - I throw up the "W".
Lol the "westside" W or the "George W Bush" W? <img src="/images/phone/post_tag.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

i throw it for both....left for "westside" , right for "bush"

Damn you outta control! Lol Phone Post

 Respek the fist!

TheSaver - Fighters make you do it. I went to take a pic with Nate Diaz and he said "Quit being a pussy and put up your fist" lol

icarus92 - Yeah, it's dumb, but it's the accepted pose to assume when meeting a fighter. There's not much else to do with your hand, nobody's really trying to be a badass. When I met anderson silva, I told myself I wouldn't do that pose. But he did it, and I didn't know what else to do, so I did it too.

This. Instinct kicks in and then the homer Simpson "doh" I did the fist pose when i said i wouldn't. This was years ago, 2003, 2006. Recently, I stole the Ryan Bennett (RIP) pose where I point at the fighter. Phone Post

Mike_in_CA - 
Perfer Et Obdura -

 BAHAHA never gets old

 moments later FRB has a new pair of sunglasses and a weave!

I don't know why but looking at these fist pose pictures makes me embarrassed. I'm embarrassed for my fellow male race. Phone Post

I know a guy who took so many pictures with Rampage, that Rampage finally recognized him and told him to get lost LOL..

Taking pics with famous people is fucking lame. Leave them the fuck alone.

I've a picture with Rampage were I'm doing the fist pose, I cringe at myself when I look at it, NEVER AGAIN. Phone Post

Druskee27 - I took a pic with Big Foot Silva he did the fist pose I just did the #1 finger pose. Meisha Tate did the fist pose I just pointed at her, with my other arm warmly wrapped around her waist. Frank Shamrock did the fist I pointed again. Ralphael Cordiera did the fist I did the #1. Mike Van Arsdel did the fist I pointed. Bas Rutten and Guy Mezger both pointed at me while I pointed right back at them. I need a new pose

Try Blue Steel next time. Phone Post

Blazing Knees -  I have a bunch of pics with fighters. I'm always suprised at how small they are inperson. Joe Stevenson is truly about 5"4'

Have you ever met Stephan Bonnar? He's huge when you see him in person, Ryan Bader is another. Phone Post

BOOMheadshot - 
TheSaver - Fighters make you do it. I went to take a pic with Nate Diaz and he said "Quit being a pussy and put up your fist" lol

I hold my balls when I get my picture taken with famous people

I check the fighter's oil. Phone Post

 I do a modified fist pose where I pose like I'm about to punch the fighter in the balls.

they dont know how to throw up a proper dragonball hadoken ?

Bick Koxer -  I do a modified fist pose where I pose like I'm about to punch the fighter in the balls.

 I am guessing you have never ran into cheick kongo son

I never felt it was lame until seeing all these pictures in a row... You ruined it for me you fucking cunt!

MattyECB - I never felt it was lame until seeing all these pictures in a row... You ruined it for me you fucking cunt!

Kinda how I felt about the fist pose. Without calling OP a cunt.

Tzrobson - 
MattyECB - I never felt it was lame until seeing all these pictures in a row... You ruined it for me you fucking cunt!

Kinda how I felt about the fist pose. Without calling OP a cunt.

lol that's my bad, I just watched In Bruges