The Four Survival Rules to Live By

"Most of us do not live in states that allow the legal carrying of a handgun. Even if we did the same mindset still stands."

actually, the constitution guarantees the right to bear arms, and applies to every state. unless you're a criminal or a head case, you can apply for a permit.

" A lot of people have been waylaid before they could even get their guns out because they were not paying attention to their surrondings."

true enough, but would you rather have a gun, or not have gun if you were being attacked?

GannonTheCannon...Sean, it's very hard to bet a CCW in California, especially Los Angeles and Orange County.  I'm sure there are some small counties that will issue CCWs.  If I had a CCW, I would carry a gun and a knife.  I don't, so I carry knives.

As a former victim of a very violent crime and a victims rights advocate I always believe that you have the right to fight back with whatever force is necessary to protect yourself and your family from the evil perpetrators who walk among us.

I've seen evil and felt it's hot breath on my neck. I will never give in....

"Today is my day, You may have been able to beat me yesterday and you may beat me tomorrow, but today I WILL WIN" Sgt. Phil Messina

"Lol... you watch too many movies... you dotn trust the animal because he promise he wont hurt you.. You trust the animal cuz there is a fucking gun to your head.. and he is at an avantage."

Think about it, if he has a gun, what's to stop him from shooting you anyways after he has done his dirty deeds? You are right in the sense that it depends on the situation, some matters aren't worth the risk of getting shot over. For example if he just wants your wallet, then give it to him. However if he tells you to get in a car with him, it's time to fight, because chances are he's taking you to a remote location and killing you. If you fight, of course there's a risk you will get killed, but it's almost a guarantee if you step into a vehicle with him.

However, Chatroombully, you are dead wrong about rapists just needing to blow off a little bit of pent-up sexual steam. If you did time in prison, I am sure that you would know that prison rape is not about sexual fulfillment, it is about making someone into a "bitch." I'd even go as far as saying that the majority of prison rapists would claim that they are not homosexual ("I'm no faggot!") It all boils down to power.

Also, it seems like you carried the gun for your own protection, not for killing people who didn't comply. If someone you wanted to rob started running away from you, would you should them and take their money? Do you have confidence you'd be able to make that decision in those first moments when you pulled a gun on someone and they started beating feet?


"And Gannon, you only hear abotu the girls that make it out alive when they fight, how do you know what happened to the girls that screamed and fought but no one heard them... "

what are you talking about? we hear about them all. or at least find the body. but we find LOTS of bodies from people who DID cooperate. cooperating does not guarantee safety.

and for a guy facing rape and kidnapping charges, killing the only witness (the victim), may be his best chance of escaping. and burying some of the evidence.

but you're right CRB, she should just take it, not resist, and hope for the best.

Is all this fear-mongering and paranoia really necessary?

"GannonTheCannon...Sean, it's very hard to bet a CCW in California, especially Los Angeles and Orange County. I'm sure there are some small counties that will issue CCWs. If I had a CCW, I would carry a gun and a knife. I don't, so I carry knives. "

i know what you're talking about, no police department likes to issue gun permits. i'm not saying it's good public policy, but it is in the consititution, and it is in fact one of your rights. talk to your local NRA people, and see if they have a procedure or lawyer they can recomend.

many police departments have refused to issue CCW permits. and they have been taken to court and forced to honor the rights enshrined in the constitution.
they will make the process as long and as hard as possible, but tey are required to do it.

"Is all this fear-mongering and paranoia really necessary? "

intelligent preparation is not paranoia and fear mongering. martial arts are more than just a sport, they're a means of self defense in the real world. and self defense is more than just sweating in the gym, there are mental aspects as well.

sam pai is an old school martial artist, from back when competiton was cheesy point sparring, and the highest expression of martial arts WAS real life street defense. to him, having a woman he taught successfully defend herself from a rapist/murderer IS the Heavyweight Championship of the World, or the Pride Grand Prix.

if a guy says he teaches self defense, he SHOULD be thinking and talking about this stuff constantly.

i don't think CRB has a hidden agenda, he just has the ex-con attitude. these guys spend years, sometimes decades, in prison, making excuses and atempting to justify their crimes. there is a whole culture of "it's not my fault, i'm just trying to make living" or whatever. to them, it's not his fault for shooting the store clerk, it's the clerk's fault for trying to stop the robbery.

"its easy to judge my actions when youve never had my problems..."

CRB, what makes you think that gary never never had any problems in his life? and a lot of people from the same neighborhood as you didn't rob people or sell drugs. you made some choices, now live with them, don't make excuses.

Gannon the Cannon I would love to be able to carry a handgun legally but KS does not allow it nor does my homestate of IL. As a guy that has to use a cane to walk I would love to respond with escalating technology and carry a firearm instead of a knife but I also do not need to be arrested for carrying illegally. I think that it is a privlidge to be able to own a firearm and not a right. I also think that all states should allow their residents to carry firearms if they so choose but it has not happened yet. I support the NRA and I am a member but I am intersted in coming up with a good idea now and not the perfect one two months from now. That is why I carry at least one knife in additon to my cane and more importantly I pratice with them. I could carry the most wizbang weapon known to man and if I do not pratice with it until I am comfortable I would be better off picking up a rock.

CRB - i was talking about the "ex-con attitude" and where it comes form. i never stated I knew how much time you got.

"I didnt make excuses "

".. people make mistakes and you didnt live my life.. its easy to judge my actions when youve never had my problems... "

sounds like an excuse to me.

if you were just robbing other dealers, i will accept that as different from robbing legit people.

a lot of my old boxing buddies are doing big time for armed robbery, bank robbery, home invasion, murder...or are dead themselves. i know what the deal is, and i have more respect for those robbing dealers than just about any other kind of criminal. for them, it's part of the game.

CBB...maybe you should find some new friends.

GannonTheCannon...I never thought Karate Tournaments were "cheesy" when I was fighting, back in the early 70's and into the 80's.  Lots of tough guys, lots of contact and you know how much fun fighting with bare knuckles is.  I heard tournaments really got watered down later though. 

i'm younger than you, i heard the competition used to be more hardcore, but it was pretty sissified in my era.

BTW - that 70s white afro thing your friend has going on Rocks!

GannonTheCannon....almost everybody on the UG is younger than me, LOL.  The Long Beach Internationals used to be special with some of the best fighters in the world fighting there.

That was a long time ago, he was proud of that hair.  I had a full head of hair and a ponytail back then too.


LOL, You would spend nights at the Disco after the tournaments, Didn't you??... Don't lie!~

"thats straight edge "

KidJustice...I am guilty as charged, LOL.

The pony tail was actually a weapon.  I had 2 steel balls attached to my pony tail.  I could spin and the centrifugal motion would drive the steel balls into my opponent's face.

"The key to survival at a crime scene begins with mental preparedness.  You must have a set of bottom-line rules to fall back on when violence strikes.  Explosive violence requires two commitments from your for survival:

1.  A mental attitude that empowers you to face facts and be willing to take extreme risks.

2.  A physical response that is simple, direct, forceful and immediate."

Sanford Strong from "Strong on Defense".