The FREDDY ROACH mystique ends tonight!

 Let's just get over this clown. It's coming. Only a few more hours.

He's the man when it comes to boxing, but he keeps forgetting its not. He's gotta stop talking about AA's standup. its useless if your on your back!

I'm willing to bet $15,000 or more on Arlovski, but no less. I will give whoever is down for it 1-1 odds if they show proof of funds and put the money in an online escrow account i have set up for betting.





ThePundit -  why wouldnt you bet with a site and get the odds?  sounds like youre fakin to me

I already have. I want to see if anyone has the balls to back up Fedor is they're so sure of an easy victory.

I've paid out $2K from a bet here once, so it's no thang but a chicken wang.

I'm fawkin' rich anyway; it don't matter to me.

 I'm not rich, but you can take me up on my $100 bet thread? Why not? You normally light your cigars with more.

 And if you're rich, why don't you support the sport and get a blue name already.

Backing up Fedor on the feet is a good gameplan.Of course the problem is it play rights into a clinch takedown.Also AA isn't the guy to back Fedor down

Freddy Roach = Gary Busey

big fatso - 
ThePundit -  why wouldnt you bet with a site and get the odds?  sounds like youre fakin to me

I already have. I want to see if anyone has the balls to back up Fedor is they're so sure of an easy victory.

I've paid out $2K from a bet here once, so it's no thang but a chicken wang.

I'm fawkin' rich anyway; it don't matter to me.
How'd that work out for ya?


The Horror - 
big fatso - 
ThePundit -  why wouldnt you bet with a site and get the odds?  sounds like youre fakin to me

I already have. I want to see if anyone has the balls to back up Fedor is they're so sure of an easy victory.

I've paid out $2K from a bet here once, so it's no thang but a chicken wang.

I'm fawkin' rich anyway; it don't matter to me.
How'd that work out for ya?

I put my money on Fedor at the sportsbook. I made out decent.

I just wanted to see if anyone on here actually doubted Arlovski that much or was that confident in Fedor to be willing to put up a substantial amount of money.

big fatso - 
The Horror - 
big fatso - 
ThePundit -  why wouldnt you bet with a site and get the odds?  sounds like youre fakin to me

I already have. I want to see if anyone has the balls to back up Fedor is they're so sure of an easy victory.

I've paid out $2K from a bet here once, so it's no thang but a chicken wang.

I'm fawkin' rich anyway; it don't matter to me.
How'd that work out for ya?

I put my money on Fedor at the sportsbook. I made out decent.

I just wanted to see if anyone on here actually doubted Arlovski that much or was that confident in Fedor to be willing to put up a substantial amount of money.

Still squandering daddys hard earned money are you?
Stop being a disgusting fatbody and try earning an honest living like "most" of us on here.


The Horror -  Let's just get over this clown. It's coming. Only a few more hours.

AA was winning with Freddie's expert advice until he abandoned the game plan with a shitty flying knee. pretty bad when a sub-par boxer (AA) can make fedor look like shit on the feet with a couple months of boxing training, lol.

Everyone needs to get over the whole "AA was winning until he got away from the gameplan" bullshit. He got his ass whipped just like every other guy that's ever stepped in to the ring with Fedor. Just because he jumped out early by being the aggressor doesn't mean that the entire fight would have continued that way. Fedor systematically breaks people down. That's just what he does. Fuck AA. The only credit that you can give that guy is that he had the balls to step into the ring.

^^^are you high? AA was clearly winning, he abandoned his game plan (which was setup by the great master Freddie Roach), threw a shitty flying knee and Fedor capitalized on it. seriously, you don't it find funny as hell that AA made Fedor look like shit with sub-par boxing, lol?

my post was for "Armchair Warrior"...

big fatso - 
The Horror - 
big fatso - 
ThePundit -  why wouldnt you bet with a site and get the odds?  sounds like youre fakin to me

I already have. I want to see if anyone has the balls to back up Fedor is they're so sure of an easy victory.

I've paid out $2K from a bet here once, so it's no thang but a chicken wang.

I'm fawkin' rich anyway; it don't matter to me.
How'd that work out for ya?

I put my money on Fedor at the sportsbook. I made out decent.

I just wanted to see if anyone on here actually doubted Arlovski that much or was that confident in Fedor to be willing to put up a substantial amount of money.

What a bunch of bullshit!!! You bet on both guys, nice try big shot

Arlovski should have just stuck to what he was doing, using good fundamentals, instead of getting crazy with that flying knee.

I doubt Freddie Roach taught him to do that.

Man in black - 
FSMA - ^^^are you high? AA was clearly winning, he abandoned his game plan (which was setup by the great master Freddie Roach), threw a shitty flying knee and Fedor capitalized on it. seriously, you don't it find funny as hell that AA made Fedor look like shit with sub-par boxing, lol?

my post was for "Armchair Warrior"...

Heh, get real. Fedor destroyed him standing up within the first round. He didn't even need to take it to the ground. Far too easy a matchup for the champion.

wow. did you watch the AA vs Fedor fight that I watched, lol?

Roach was prefect in his analysis of Fedor. Arlovski was clearly out boxing Fedor. Roach said you don't stand in front of him and you don't charge in or you will be knocked out. That is exactly what Arlovski did. Arlovski had the tools but didn't know how to stick to a game plan.

Freddy's a great boxing trainer (see: Pacquiao vs. De La Hoya), but he should probably stop talking so much about a sport he's barely even acquainted with.

Making grand pronoouncements about a sport you've been around your whole life is one thing. Making them about a sport you've been helping out in for a couple of years, probably not as smart.