I heard he got himself off…
Conor vs Jones for the “biggest POS in MMA” title
Conor hasn’t at least roughed Dee up yet… As far as we know at least.

Conor vs Jones for the “biggest POS in MMA” title
Conor hasn’t at least roughed Dee up yet… As far as we know at least.
Imagine how awkward that relationship is?
Conor comes back from rape court…
So, honey, how was your day?
Pics of abrasion on right breast or gtfo
I regret asking
That hoe deserves whatever happened to her, she was leading a married guy on, fucked him and then Conor viewed her as a one night stand rightly so thus cooking up this story, hoes always gonma be hoes
There’s a hot trolling take

That hoe deserves whatever happened to her, she was leading a married guy on, fucked him and then Conor viewed her as a one night stand rightly so thus cooking up this story, hoes always gonma be hoes
The same mindset from Irish authorities which is why rape goes unpunished there.
Rape goes unpunished in Dagestan, and if the Rapee goes to the police the police beat and rape her also.
I hope Russia drops a bomb onto ur mom’s basement

Rape goes unpunished in Dagestan, and if the Rapee goes to the police the police beat and rape her also.
I hope Russia drops a bomb onto ur mom’s basement
Where did I dispute this? I already mentioned we saw what Khabib got away with doing to Conor.
That was in Vegas, not FagDag Land

Rape goes unpunished in Dagestan, and if the Rapee goes to the police the police beat and rape her also.
I hope Russia drops a bomb onto ur mom’s basement
Gooosfraba Buck, Gooosfraba…
How does Brutal Gang BBC Anal Rape, that caused anal tear’s (BGBBCAR)
That sounds more graphic that plain ol rape

Isn’t that how a titty is supposed to look after some passionate suckling?
She could’ve gotten those bruises anywhere, and any number of ways. Nobody here knows what actually happened, so all the Conor haters need to chill the fuck out. Yes, he’s a cunt, and you can post all you want about the failure to convict rape cases in Ireland, but you don’t know the truth. You want him to be guilty because you hate him so badly.
Honestly, looking at this from a non-bias point of view, it sounds like bullshit. Just my opinion.