The Grappling Blueprint?

Hey, what do y'all make of The Grappling Blueprint ( advertised in Grappling Magazine? Anyone with comments...

Sounds like a style i used to do. :)

Just read the whole thing and it sounds very interesting...but then again i almost got sucked in by Henry Kaye also. :)

It's ok. You just get motivational messages from Lloyd Irving. Eventually he'll see you something but there is sofar no mention of it.

A lot of what he says is just common sence, but if you like filling your inbox with BJJ related stuff this is ok.

Cool sounds heaps better deal than the Henry Kaye thing...He wanted me to fill his inbox (pocket) and empty my outbox (bank and pocket).

This sounds like a heap better deal. hehehe

"Just read the whole thing and it sounds very interesting...but then again i almost got sucked in by Henry Kaye also. :) "

LOL, you and me both. I luckily worked out it was a scam early... phew... ;)


Could have been a great promotion point for BJJ and MMA's.

Elvis gets sucked into Henry Kayes scam and then at the creditors meeting Elvis triangle chokes Kaye to the joy of the angry mob or creditors. Could of had 1000's more Elvis, BJJ and MMA's fans. ;)

Seriously what made you not get into it Elvis? When and how did you work it out? I went to the 1 on 1 meeting with one of his consoltants and man was he pushy so i let it go then. I had to sign to pay $15000 then and there and wasnt even allowed to ring my wife to discus it as they wanted people who knew what they wanted and would make a decission there and then.