The Grill, Robbed

It really doesn't matter if the ref was looking for an excuse. Everyone knows that BJJ tournaments have a history of biased calls. Why would you go into a tournament, knowing the chance for biased calls was pretty good, and then give them an easy rule violation? Like the old saying, don't give people the rope to hang you with. Also, they only called it because his pants came down. It's not like they were checking him in the middle of the match.

The other guy was going for an omo plata and pulled at Cooper's pants. He pulled them down, revealing Cooper had no underwear.

After a break, they DQ'd Cooper. I looked it up and it does say explicitly that you have to have underpants on, so officially he did break the rules.

However, with that said, I also noticed that you're only supposed to have patches on certain parts of the gi. MANY people had them in the non-regulation areas and none of them were DQ'd.

why would you not wear underwear? seems kind of gross to me. so no
undies and no cup and he was bare assed when his drawers came
down? I suport that kind of dq.

I dont think many people got by with patches that were illegal. There were a lot of DQ's many of which were because guys got denied on GI patches and length.

This is the World Championships. I am sorry but to not wear undies is disrespectful to your team, your opponent and the sport.

BTW I like Bills game and was rooting for him.

"when you train No Gi do you wear underwear under your fight shorts?"

i think most people do usually. anyhow, it's no big deal, but when you are fighting in the worlds, follow the rules, or it's your own fault.

getting dq'ed for not wearing underwear is not a biased call. it's an obvious call. not dqing someone else whose ass is hanging out would be biased. but come on, just put on some underwear if that's in the rules.

I didn't see anyone get DQ'd because of patches. People were competing with them on their butts on the top part of their backs, etc. The rules say you can't have them there.

Do they care what the patches say on them too? Just curious.

The Grill, Robbed

lol, like he could beat Otavio anyway...


Who's to say? He was putting together an amazing run.

Who the hell would want a Mundial medal won on an opponent be DQ'd for no knickers anyway? Lame.

"lol, like he could beat Otavio anyway..."

Bill Cooper is amazing at losing a match early on and then come back to win them. There is definitly no guarantee that he would have lost.

Also, didn't Otavio get subbed by Kron? I remember seeing a mach with Kron vs. Cooper as purple belts and they seemed very even. I think Kron won on points but it was pretty controversial.

damn those uptight brazilians

Anyone know what happened with The Grill in the weighted division? Did he not compete?

They were pretty consistent with enforcing "respect" rules on the gi. Kron took off his gi top and started whooping it up when he won and the ref made him immediately put it back on. They made me tie my belt just to walk and get my water that I left on the side, and you couldn't even get into the pen with out a full gi on. Saw a dude have to cut improper patches off the gi.

I think they kept a nice professional standard which made it seem more like the world class event it was.

What were considered improper patches? In the wrong place or what the patches said on them?

Bias brazilian ref.  why they wouldn't let the guy get some is beyond me.

No one has mentioned that his ass was hanging out in the previous match as well.....

Yeah, why Big Mac is allowed to moon everyone the entire tournament, but the Grill isn't allowed a brief moon without getting DQ'd, I dunno.

I dont think he was robbed. I think the call is fair enough.

Its not like he was winning and the ref had to intervene to save Octavio.

Why is it that the guys are the only ones to go no gi under their gis. More women need to adopt this approach to the game.