The Hulk is new Sea Shepherd ambassador

What the japs are doing really is fucked....if only the ww were more organized. I want to see them japs lose... Phone Post 3.0

Off topic but he's been training with Amir Ali Akbari (2x World Greco Champ at 96kg and 120kg) watch out for amir transitioning to mma, he is a fucking monster broke 2 smith machines when i was in iran, freakishly strong guy. Fought thai boxing after a few months training and was head kicking the other guy out of the ring.
In the pictures on facebook; what really shocked me was his size he was significantly bigger than soa.

Huh? Phone Post 3.0

Molsonmuscle360 - 


Epic episode, btw.

Benwahwah - Surely I'm not the only person here that watched Whale Wars and rooted for the Japanese to fuck up the Sea Shepherd crew right? Phone Post 3.0

You are not. 

You can't fly a pirate flag and expect the other ships not to do anything. 

Attack any of my ships or try to board them and I sinking yours. Just because they are for the Whales doesn't mean they are not pirates!

^ You notice they stay out of US territory waters ?  Because they'll get arrested lol.

MainelyBJJ - Lots of ignorance on this thread.

What really makes me laugh is the sheeple fools who think its cool to shit on the SS.

Its fact the Japs are or I should say were breaking international law. They used the " scientific research" muse to kill and sell whales after the international community outlawed it.

You can call them whatever you want it was them and them ONLY that stopped the Japs from whaling. They dont whale anymore the SS put an end to it.

What did you do? Right that's what I thought you posted funny cartoons and jumped on the SS are dumb asses bandwagon.

Its sad really.

Ruse = a subtle attempt to try and trick or deceive.
Muse = a woman who is a primary source of inspiration for an artist.

"Just because they are for the Whales doesn't mean they are not pirates!"

I suspect they would agree with you...

I watched this shit show and seen Capt Paul get "shot". Nothing ever materialized and nothing ever mention, just found a "slug" or some horse shit. How great would it be to see 2 of those rubber inflatables being twirled behind cause they didnt get the lines out of their dingys.

On a serious note i do have a heart tho, i filled up nicely when that harpoon careened thru that arrogant whales skull and the old yellow fighters did a happy dance.