The Ladies All Over Wanderlei (pic)

Guybrush_Starkiller6969 - I hate his new face. I really do.

Give him a few more fights; the old one will be back.

lookoutawhale -  the girls suffer from a medical condition known as duck face lips.

 Also known as MySpace Face.

And yeah, legit laugh for 'Tranderlei Silva.' lol

GracieboyABS - Wandi's dad reminds me of one of the chainsaw guys in Scarface.


 Big Silva fan. However, part of me liked the mystique from before. I liked believing he was an axe murderer. I liked believing he was just a complete animal in the cage (and I'm not saying he's not anymore.) It just seems different now.

It reminds me of the first time I saw Trent Reznor after getting big. I wanted to believe he was this tortured artist that was all skinny from drugs and depression. It made me feel like he was more of an artist.

I dunno, it doesn't necessarily make sense but that's what I thought at first.

cycklops -  

It reminds me of the first time I saw Trent Reznor after getting big. I wanted to believe he was this tortured artist that was all skinny from drugs and depression. It made me feel like he was more of an artist.
Isn't Reznor on the juice now?



NiteProwleR - dat ass murderer