The Most Obvious 'HUGGERS on UG...

Young, tight pussy: Rocco Sieffridi

Ring Girl (Rebecca) is a hottie, nice pic.

Nuthugging....ok....add me to GSP's list.

"RuleDogg - annoyance"

Awww...Submission Maven, you're just mad I've said Steven Quadros
stains ears, aren't you? ;-(

glides thru thread aimlessly

jeremy jackson imo


I agree with Shamrock1fan and Your Father being 2 of the worst on here.

oh sheesh I shot the pony is on to me


Frank Shamrock (old version): me

Put me down for Joe Sun.......

then you will feel the sprit of Jesus Christ....... JoSunDo for Lyfe......

I shot the pony, are you roc rite?

"Fedor's balls =everyone."

Says a lot about Fedor (or his nuts).

RuleDogg, you gotta keep the first post updated!!!

I'm surprised The Real Joker with Yves Edwards tooks so long to mention. Hell it took digging post #2 out of a lurker.


Jeremy Horn = JHR

Pequeno = MusashiBenkei

shamrock1fan isn't a Ken Shamrock nuthugger he's a troll who is making fun of Ken Shamrock.

i got this girl that hugs my nuts. its sweet.

The list has been updated....

I hug Matt Wiman's a totally non gay way.

I love hugging my own nuts; eating them too.

Fearless Goat - Jeff Curran