The next drama - what is more likely?

Will Rumble piss hot?
Will DC miss the fight with a bad weight cut?
Will Belfort have a wonky T ratio?
Will Cerrone get injured wakeboarding?
Will Khabib get mauled wrestling a bear? Phone Post 3.0

belfort fail

Victor chokes on too much cheezits. Injured. Phone Post 3.0

Belfort gets arrested for killing his barber.

Belfort fail Phone Post 3.0

McGregor chokes in a Lucky Charm Phone Post 3.0


Looks like Khabib was the one.
Blew his knee (allegedly wrestling a bear).

So what's picks for the next drama?

Conor will get busted running a white sex slave ring smuggling Ukranian girls to work for Backpage pimps in New York.


Did anyone 3 years ago really see a fighter getting stripped of a title, suspended and dealing with the legal issues of Jones?

It's possible. Phone Post 3.0

Hocky Balboa -

Belfort gets arrested for killing his barber.

You really don't need anymore vote ups but damn it here's another one Phone Post 3.0

Cormier's T/C ratio gonna be all outta whack imo Phone Post 3.0

Hocky Balboa -

Belfort gets arrested for killing his barber.

Justified, imo. Phone Post 3.0

Well, we have our answer. Khabib is out. Phone Post 3.0

Hocky Balboa -

Belfort gets arrested for killing his barber.

You have so many VUs.

But, FUCK, that was good. Phone Post 3.0

Hocky was sublime as always.

I'm picking the next drama as DC win by split decision.
Cecil Peoples giving it to him 28-27 via cupcake choke.

Connor hurts his knee. Which throws him into a never ending cycle of injuries (like Cruz), forever being remembered as the fighter that could have been.

Calling it now. Phone Post 3.0

Dana begins hormone therapy to transition into a woman. Challenges Ronda to sparring session. Never shows. Fires Arianne and assumes All Time Ring Girl position. Is surprisingly hot. I fap. Phone Post 3.0

Weidman bruises his pinky Phone Post 3.0