The quick TAP CLUB................

Who are the top 3?

Gary Goodridge was the king, earlier in his career.

Valentine Overeem

Remco Pardoel - tapped when Ruas mounted him.

Enson Inoue


Who did Royce mount in UFC 1 and not even hit before the guy tapped? Was it Van Clief?

Patrick Smith...Royce was hitting him w/ baby shots... and he tapped like a wee lad.

joe sans last fight. he tapped to a clinch!!

Art Jimmerson

"joe sans last fight. he tapped to a clinch!!"

Joe San is pure comedy genius...thanks for the man-maries.

But tapping to a clinch? Is that just one step away from tapping to a stare-down?


"But tapping to a clinch? Is that just one step away from tapping to a stare-down?"

LMAO!! Funny shit!

ermm Bob Sapp anyone?

i don't think sapp should be on that list after the beatings he took in k-1

"Enson? Is that serious, he took a beating from Igor that shortened his life by 15 years."


Oooooh ouch. His corner had to drag him back to the side.