The sad story of Evan Dunham

Sonnen y Diaz Bros - What can you do supercalo, some people just want to join the dark side Phone Post 3.0
When he is alone he goes into a dark room where Frank Mir speaks to him through a hologram. Phone Post 3.0

Stupid question- "God fearing" why is this a good thing? Phone Post 3.0

NaturalBornTickler - Stupid question- "God fearing" why is this a good thing? Phone Post 3.0
Just in case you are serious.

A Christian saying. A man who fears Man's judgement might smile at you but cheat you behind your back. A man who fears God's judgement will be afraid to cheat you behind back because God sees all. Therefore he respects the laws of God. Which are do unto others how you would want them to do unto you. Phone Post 3.0

Dang. So sad to read this. Phone Post 3.0

Great writing and a thoroughly informative article.

It's a sad thing to witness when the American Dream turns sour like taking a bite out of a rotten apple.

One minute you're eatin Mom's homemade apple pie, the next you are picking crumbs and pieces of pastry out of your foreskin.

Too much, too young. Phone Post 3.0

rip clean teeth and easy living Phone Post 3.0

Your better than this Phone Post 3.0

Evan Dunham is the only person to knock me out. True story. This was pre-UFC Dunham, so he was a really nice guy afterward

superCalo - 
Morgz - How can one be seen as the next Sage Northcutt, when Sage Northcutt hadn't happened yet?

Mind bottled Phone Post 3.0

Evan was ahead of his time.


RepsOne - 3/10
Your better than this Phone Post 3.0
If Evan grew a beard and a Mohawk, guess who he would look like . Good guy chuck. Phone Post 3.0

Mphelan - Evan Dunham is the only person to knock me out. True story. This was pre-UFC Dunham, so he was a really nice guy afterward
Are you Eben? Phone Post 3.0

calpolkid - 
Mphelan - Evan Dunham is the only person to knock me out. True story. This was pre-UFC Dunham, so he was a really nice guy afterward
Are you Eben? Phone Post 3.0

Nah, I was training at NWMA (Megaton Eugene) back when I was at UO.

Mphelan -
calpolkid - 
Mphelan - Evan Dunham is the only person to knock me out. True story. This was pre-UFC Dunham, so he was a really nice guy afterward
Are you Eben? Phone Post 3.0

Nah, I was training at NWMA (Megaton Eugene) back when I was at UO.
Eben Kaneshiro? I sure as hell hope not! Phone Post 3.0

Eugene boy goes to the big city and breaks bad. Phone Post 3.0

superCalo - 

When a young freshfaced 19 year old Evan Dunham first entered the uFc he was seen as  the next Sage Northcutt.

He was good looking, polite, God fearing, short back & sides haircut, clean shaven, willing to listen, learn & had respect for both other people and the fans, and had the lithe unmarked body the sign of good eating, living & excercise. Evan talked about consumating his relationship with his high school sweet heart when they were eventually married, about their picnics in the park - chaparoned of course by her older sister, and their future life together.

His first post fight interview with Joe Rogan was telling

Joe Rogan : "Evan Dunham how do you feel about this figh?"

Evan Dunahm  " Geewilikens Mr Rogan its a honor to be talking to you, I want to thank you, the UFC , the fans and most of all God for for this opporunity"


Five years later what has become of this eager youngster ?


He has become a shaven headed, grizzled mass of scar tissue & obscene tattoos which objectify both skulls & barbed wire, which are of course satantic references in many instances.

Blood drips from his his scowling lips, his teeth stained by tobacco & hard livin, his eyes glazed dead like a man who has seen too much, the candor of youth replaced by the cynisism of  one who has experienced the lows of life but few of the (natural) highs.

What has the uFc done to corrupt such a former upstanding citizen ? If this is what happens when uFc gets hold of someone then I urge all upcoming fighters, both dreamers & those that train to take avoid the very devil that is the uFc & its corrupting influence of vile barbaric & inhumane lifestyle choices

Now he talks of whorin, drinkin, partyin and voting for Bernie Sanders.


As ridiculous a statement as it was, this guy was the next Sage in his dreams.

He has a 1/100 the athleticism, it's like comparing a sloth to a racehorse.

Sad to see someone fall this quickly and this completely.

Hopefully he can get into a program and turn his life around, he needs it.

pegz -
superCalo - 

When a young freshfaced 19 year old Evan Dunham first entered the uFc he was seen as  the next Sage Northcutt.

He was good looking, polite, God fearing, short back & sides haircut, clean shaven, willing to listen, learn & had respect for both other people and the fans, and had the lithe unmarked body the sign of good eating, living & excercise. Evan talked about consumating his relationship with his high school sweet heart when they were eventually married, about their picnics in the park - chaparoned of course by her older sister, and their future life together.

His first post fight interview with Joe Rogan was telling

Joe Rogan : "Evan Dunham how do you feel about this figh?"

Evan Dunahm  " Geewilikens Mr Rogan its a honor to be talking to you, I want to thank you, the UFC , the fans and most of all God for for this opporunity"


Five years later what has become of this eager youngster ?


He has become a shaven headed, grizzled mass of scar tissue & obscene tattoos which objectify both skulls & barbed wire, which are of course satantic references in many instances.

Blood drips from his his scowling lips, his teeth stained by tobacco & hard livin, his eyes glazed dead like a man who has seen too much, the candor of youth replaced by the cynisism of  one who has experienced the lows of life but few of the (natural) highs.

What has the uFc done to corrupt such a former upstanding citizen ? If this is what happens when uFc gets hold of someone then I urge all upcoming fighters, both dreamers & those that train to take avoid the very devil that is the uFc & its corrupting influence of vile barbaric & inhumane lifestyle choices

Now he talks of whorin, drinkin, partyin and voting for Bernie Sanders.


As ridiculous a statement as it was, this guy was the next Sage in his dreams.

He has a 1/100 the athleticism, it's like comparing a sloth to a racehorse.
You sloth hating sob. Phone Post 3.0

"He has become a shaven headed, grizzled mass of scar tissue & obscene tattoos which objectify both skulls & barbed wire, which are of course satantic references in many instances."

This is the most evocative writing I have read on the UG in quite some time.

Pray for Evan Dunham

Colt Seavers666 - Sad to see someone fall this quickly and this completely.

Hopefully he can get into a program and turn his life around, he needs it.

It's a joke thread dude.

superCalo - 
Morgz - How can one be seen as the next Sage Northcutt, when Sage Northcutt hadn't happened yet?

Mind bottled Phone Post 3.0

Evan was ahead of his time.
