The sickest thing about Romero

(And I could give 2 shits about whether or not he organizes anti-gay rallies or gay orgies)

It's not how he can take down anyone he fights with relative ease, or how he has knock you into next week power, or even how he can go 0-60 faster than a Ferrari.

It's how insanely calm he functions in the pocket. He's only been the game a few years and he doesn't have a striking background and yet he calmly hangs in the pocket slips punches and ducks under kicks as if he's been doing it his whole life. Sure his athleticism helps his reaction time but I've never seen a wrestler adapt psychologically to the striking game so quickly. He must really believe that Jesus is protecting him and he can't be hurt.

Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous how he stays so calm, flurries, and then goes back to normal. I've never seen a fighter who can do 0-100-0 like he does. Phone Post 3.0

He's a genetic freak. Phone Post 3.0

it was something to watch. terrifying because i've always been a machida fan, but super impressive. i watched his first three ufc fights again earlier too and yeah, the dudes an animal

That superman punch off the cage gif realy shows a good few seconds. Him squatting right in front of machida to fake a td takes balls and he had a nice exchange. Someone find that GIF

I didnt think he would win but I was impressed. It will be intresting to see his career progress. I kinda want to see him pushed for the title fight sooner since hes a little older. He may have already passed his physical prime. Imagine if he had trane and fight in his late 20s

I say he beats Weidman Phone Post 3.0

This is one of my favourite Yoel moments

HIs brother is an Olympic boxer iirc Phone Post 3.0

How about the fact that he is also about 45 and is nowhere near his physical prime years? To be at that age and to be doing the things e is doing is truly exceptional. Phone Post 3.0

GOATherder - This is one of my favourite Yoel moments

Holy shit that's insanely freaky. He just scooped that dude up like a man playing with a boy.

BonesNose - That superman punch off the cage gif realy shows a good few seconds. Him squatting right in front of machida to fake a td takes balls and he had a nice exchange. Someone find that GIF

I didnt think he would win but I was impressed. It will be intresting to see his career progress. I kinda want to see him pushed for the title fight sooner since hes a little older. He may have already passed his physical prime. Imagine if he had trane and fight in his late 20s

Romero would be champ[ion right now had he started training earlier..hell he will still be champion within a year i believe..what does Weidman have in his arsenal to deal with a guy like Romero?Weidmans only hope is to weather Romeros tornado attacks and tire him out..

yeah ive never seen another fighter patiently sit and strike and counter-strike with an oppt then automatically turn into a blizzard of violence and motion, then back to normal..its very fun to watch..i just wonder if romero could have went for the takedown in the first round and finished machida then...?

GuttyProfessor - How about the fact that he is also about 45 and is nowhere near his physical prime years? To be at that age and to be doing the things e is doing is truly exceptional. Phone Post 3.0

Well he is 38.

So his athletic peak was probably 12-8 years ago.

Kind of insane that he makes everybody look slow.

2Fort - 
GOATherder - This is one of my favourite Yoel moments

Holy shit that's insanely freaky. He just scooped that dude up like a man playing with a boy.

He will beat weidman Phone Post 3.0

Was a fan, then he pulled that stunt with Kennedy. He knew he was taking more time than what the rules state. His confusion is a cover-up. I don't like Kennedy either, so it's not being butt hurt. That clear rules transgression just left a bad taste in my mouth. Phone Post 3.0

The scary thing about him is how fast he can end a fight while doing nothing or even losing. I won't say that he will beat weidman but will say if the fight that w better finish him asap Phone Post 3.0

Thingading -
2Fort - 
GOATherder - This is one of my favourite Yoel moments

Holy shit that's insanely freaky. He just scooped that dude up like a man playing with a boy.

Holy shit Phone Post 3.0

GROUNDnLB - Was a fan, then he pulled that stunt with Kennedy. He knew he was taking more time than what the rules state. His confusion is a cover-up. I don't like Kennedy either, so it's not being butt hurt. That clear rules transgression just left a bad taste in my mouth. Phone Post 3.0

That was bad, but that was on BJM for me..he told the cutman and his corner to wipe the gulp of vaseline off his cut (that's the UFC's cutman), dude was dazed and his corner did stall a bit getting out, but Big John stalled more with that order, he didn't tell Romero to get up once the bell sounded, but yelled "wipe that off!" I don't think Romero even realised 20more seconds passed by the time he got up, it did help him recover, but again that's on the ref.

Think the UFC should have penalised the corner somehow..

Unfortunately the incident against Kennedy left a bad taste in everyone's mouth but if you're not cheating your not trying hard enough. As much as I lost respect for Romero I gained it by his willingness to win at all costs. I really do however hope he's not cheating in other ways. Would anyone be shocked if he was?

Scary part for me was not only the finish, but the way he jumped the cage like a freaking jaguar on cocaine, traumatising the security guy trying to hold him back and then casually walking back inside the cage and calmly shaking hands with Machida's corner.