yea idunno, im too lazy to fix it.
What do you expect from the trash that live in Philly ??
That security guard footage was hilarious.
The dude has his game face ON like he was protecting the POTUS in the middle of a war-zone.
I'm surprised so many people haven't seen that vid, it's from the GSP/Serra rematch.
OldCharlesie - At some point one of the fighters is gonna get poked in the eye by a fan on the way to the octagon. At that point they'll start using a wider walkway for the fighters. I think the reason they don't use a wide walkway is because they need the extra space to sell more tickets and seats.
someone's gonna get poked in the eye or maybe even punched by some drunk dude
So much for the junk in philly... no wonder why everyone complains its a shithole town
The only solution is to have Gonzaga lead fighters into the ring - Gonzaga is so pumped up, and his wingspan is so big, he creates a couple of casualties every time he starts trying to high five people on the way in. - someone post the gif
Who was the dude carrying the belt that elbowed that chic in the head?
Sexyama x - var so = new SWFObject("", "postVideo-27007331-Flash", "425", "355", "9.0.28", "##000"); so.addParam("allowScriptAccess", "samedomain"); so.addParam("allowNetworking", "internal"); so.addParam("wmode", "transparent"); so.write("postVideo-27007331"); This would of never happend if this guy was on watch.HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
He wore a hat to work. Unprofessional.
Monsters Ball - Hogar?
that thief!!!
runs to pawn shop
I once got into a fight with three guys when my hat was stolen at a huge beach party. I think the UFC needs to do something about that narrow entrance, some guys seem bothered by the crowd and it's just a matter of time before someone gets a bottle in the head or worse.
I took my hat back btw :)
my buddies were actuall standing right by the guy that stole the hat.. my one buddy said he thought about taking it for some reason and before he knew it someone did it right next to him and everyone was like OOOOHHH SHIT know philly=no class
i also think that set the tone for keeny getting destroyed. i think it was on his mind during the fight...probably thought "what am i going to wear if i win?" good thing his corner gave him one of theirs after the fight to make him feel better
he not only stole his hat but his mojo lol
Attila - Anyone know if he was arrested? That sure seems like property theft to me.
Yea, immediately after the fight, Kenflo went straight to the Philly PD and reported his hat stolen, they in turn, spent hundreds of hours reviewing the tape to ID the suspect and then spent hundreds of hours more combing the streets for this hardened criminal.
10 to 1 it's on E-bay before this is over!