I didn’t watch but that dude was game
If it’s the same one I’m thinking of.
And wfa
Didn’t he make him puke though?
This one made me sad. The bully probably left with more confidence in his ability to beat up nerds. This was such a strange show lol.
I recently discovered this YT channel and have been enjoying his content
Was it Jake Shields who struggled to strike with the bully?
Mrs Wildman was always the main event
Tony Bonello got rocked
I think my friend fought him
I would have loved to see him and Jason Reinhardt fight
There was one episode where Jason fought teh bully!
Been watching his youth for 2yrs now, he’s a renzo black belt and use to roll with GSP
Good guy
I remember Eddie Alvarez really beating the shit out of a “bully”.
haha I still remember this. They had to give the bully the whole $10k.
Thomas Denny is known for his colourful hair. Has he ever won a fight? He’s legit terrible
He’s 27-21 with his last fight being in 2013 and his last win coming in 2009.
Everybody Fighted Him KOTC