The Tyson/jones video was a tease

It teased me. Phone Post 3.0

Jones hurts any version of Tyson, badly. Phone Post 3.0

Yeah I know, he's take him down and elbow his brains. It's still intriguing how a prime Tyson would fair with mma training. Nobody moves their upper body with such fluency as Tyson. He KNOWS to get inside a each advantage. It's a "We'll never know matter". Phone Post 3.0

XcessiveZ - Jones hurts any version of Tyson, badly. Phone Post 3.0
Any version of Tyson KOs Jones in boxing Phone Post 3.0

XcessiveZ - Jones hurts any version of Tyson, badly. Phone Post 3.0

In a no rules fight... tyson "literally" eats Jon JOnes

Rambo John J -
XcessiveZ - Jones hurts any version of Tyson, badly. Phone Post 3.0

In a no rules fight... tyson "literally" eats Jon JOnes
Tyson magically has TDD now? Phone Post 3.0

Effstrikingmeansdamage - It teased me. Phone Post 3.0


XcessiveZ - Jones hurts any version of Tyson, badly. Phone Post 3.0
You can't be that stupid.... Phone Post 3.0

Jones would beat Tyson but would be in a lot of pain afterwards.



In a Boxing match Tyson wins in first round.

Xcessive has revealed his extensive knowledge of Mike Tyson and his career.

XcessiveZ - Jones hurts any version of Tyson, badly. Phone Post 3.0
Tyson would "literally kill" Jones if he tried doing some stupid shit like that. Phone Post 3.0

Some of you guys are jokers.Jones takes him down and elbows his face in.Obviously Jones loses in rd 1 via KO in any sort of stand up fight. Phone Post 3.0

XcessiveZ - Jones hurts any version of Tyson, badly. Phone Post 3.0

I think you're mistaken, we're talking about Mike Tyson not Tyson Griffin.

NewOldTRT09er - 
XcessiveZ - Some of you guys are jokers.Jones takes him down and elbows his face in.Obviously Jones loses in rd 1 via KO in any sort of stand up fight. Phone Post 3.0
Why would Mike Tyson take an mma fight when he was a world champion boxer? It's about as dumb as suggesting JBJ take a boxing match against Tyson in his prime.

It's dumb.

You're dumb.

Smarten up. Phone Post 3.0

so you both are in agreement. right on.

XcessiveZ -
Rambo John J -
XcessiveZ - Jones hurts any version of Tyson, badly. Phone Post 3.0

In a no rules fight... tyson "literally" eats Jon JOnes
Tyson magically has TDD now? Phone Post 3.0
Magic knock your head off powers Phone Post 3.0

A fight is not a boxing match, shocking I know guys.If you honestly thought I was saying Jones would beat Tyson in a boxing match, well then you lack common sense. Phone Post 3.0

Brigham - 
XcessiveZ - Jones hurts any version of Tyson, badly. Phone Post 3.0
You can't be that stupid.... Phone Post 3.0

Excessive nuthugging makes muppets say some ignorant shit.

XcessiveZ - A fight is not a boxing match, shocking I know guys.If you honestly thought I was saying Jones would beat Tyson in a boxing match, well then you lack common sense. Phone Post 3.0

Neither is a UFC match, in a real fight prime Tyson might bite Jones' lips off.

EckY -
XcessiveZ - A fight is not a boxing match, shocking I know guys.If you honestly thought I was saying Jones would beat Tyson in a boxing match, well then you lack common sense. Phone Post 3.0

Neither is a UFC match, in a real fight prime Tyson might bite Jones' lips off.
Or worse. But then again Jones would literally kill a man for spitting at him. So I don't know. Under the right circumstances who knows. Phone Post 3.0