The Why Me Thread...

KOD DAMN IT!!! PNEUMONIA??? What next???


Stay hydrated and doped up until you're better.

Make posts when you're delirious. Those are the best Phone Post 3.0

antibiotics don't make for good delirium....only good diarrhea!

fnunderful - KOD DAMN IT!!! PNEUMONIA??? What next???


lol...i had a cold sore last week!

Robobear -
fnunderful - KOD DAMN IT!!! PNEUMONIA??? What next???


When did he go to Vegas? Phone Post 3.0

September 2010....I hate vegas...

fnunderful - September 2010....I hate vegas...
RIP Phone Post 3.0

I hope so

Lol its gonorrhea bro that's next

I pissed the other day and my dick started burning and I freaked the fuck out thinking I had the clap again. Turned out to be I didn't wash my hands well after eating flaming cheetos and it burned my dick. Hope it's the same for you bro and you just smoked to many cigarettes Phone Post 3.0