there's not f'ng good candidates in hawaii

fnunderful - 
Moke - I would be interested in how it happened...before I took off into the wild blue yonder, I never paid attention to politics, but Hawaii was an awfully conservative place (in all the best ways). Everyone I knew grew up with guns and hunting etc (it was as normal as breathing air and going to the beach).

But when I came back, I found that hippies and pseudo-intellectuals now RAN THIS JOINT lock stock and barrel.

How did it happen and what was the mechanism?

We used to be super independent as a State, even refusing fed freeway funds because we refused to lower our speed limits to 55mph (Jimmy Carter's solution to the oil/gas crisis).

Now we're like Washington's BIGGEST BITCH in the whole country.

The communists took control of the local universities! Professors planting seeds of the faggottrees in the minds of impessionable youths. These seeds have grown into the faggotforest that now run tbe state (and much of the country).

A lot of these commie faggots are local and my age. Where the fuck did they get them?

apparently they need to be wedgied infront of their wives again

Implanted and bred...they really did a great job. Old school counter intelligence techniques! Control the information and change the minds! Infiltrate schools, media and now social media!

FCTV808 - 

apparently they need to be wedgied infront of their wives again

This is exactly why there is a war on bullies! The strong expose them for the cowards they are!

save the bullies!

FCTV808 -

reset button

This Phone Post 3.0

what a bunch of fucking moar-ons! she thought she was being so witty and clever!

Just voted for a guy i suspect lives in his van...:-( i think maybe next time i will sell my vote on ebay. I may as well get something for voting even if i don't like any of the candidates!

holy shit that's fucking brilliant frund!


next one let's do a group sell. awesome!

Yes sir...i was thinking that exactly! Group vote ebay, boom!

In Phone Post 3.0

lol only looks like 255,000 votes cast for gov. 


frunderful you're onto something great!


would have to do via absentee ballot to ensure vote was purchased correctly

FCTV808 - 

lol only looks like 255,000 votes cast for gov. 


frunderful you're onto something great!


would have to do via absentee ballot to ensure vote was purchased correctly

...brilliant! Amazing how Schatz could win by such a margin without a single debate. Hawaii deserves what ever it gets.

Only 52% voter turnout. That is 367,583 voters that could put their votes to good use...on ebay...with my vote...

I am always one of the few dressed to go to work on line at the polling stations on election day.

frunderful we need to organize this the same way fb was used.


in fact, we should organize this via a new social media website called, ""

Mine is for sale. I might even throw in a Handi Couture is the price is right Phone Post 3.0

I did some research and this may be illegal. I am sure that we can find a way to loophole it but I am guessing we will need a lawyer. Perhaps open a campaign finance company that supports the "None of the Above" candidate?