Thiago Silva's wife watches his fight *PHOTOS*

Just something different, thought you might enjoy.



Thick, tight, solid. Would hulk smash!!

Is it weird that she kinda looks like his sister instead of his wife?

Very identicle.



Where were they watching from?

btw, she's the one with dem boobies, right?

Pretty awesome but the UFC gave her some shitty seats. ;-)

12SixElbow - 



Where were they watching from?

Here at our gym, the Jaco Hybrid Training Center.

BoilerBrawnByBeatdown - what's up with threads about Thiago Silva's wife?

This is the first one I have made, so I don't know what to tell you.

Looks like his twin sister

What's funny is you can tell which parts of the fights she's watching with each photo.

Talk about a serious Sweat... She musta been going nuts when he got the SUB.

Pretty much my Identical Reactions when I had a decent size bet on Leben vs Akiyama! Phone Post

Very nice, as usual :-)

Cool! Phone Post


awesome timeline pictures

DoomFarmer -
BoilerBrawnByBeatdown - what's up with threads about Thiago Silva's wife?

Immaculate breasts. Phone Post

This Phone Post

Is this is wife or his twin sister? Phone Post

solid pics...thanks man! vtfu

who's the woman sitting in front of her in the last few pics?

mother? sister?

do brazilian wives not wear wedding rings? That one pic where she has her hands on elder woman's shoulders, she not wearing a ring..

I guess thiago doesn't care if she wears it or not.? lol Phone Post