Just read an article in Gracie Mag about the 100 things to do before getting your Black Belt in Jiu Jitsu. Thought it might be interesting to see what everyone else thinks are the most important things to them?Here is a couple to get things started....
1. Do dome intensive throw training in Judo or Wrestling or both...
2. Train with the top guys from other schools to share ideas...
3. ...
Should Judoka do some intensive groundwork with BJJ guys before they get their Judo Blackbelt also?
- be able to butt scoot to the corner store and back with a can of beans
Go down the local, get spastic and tell every c*@t ya gunna f@#king smash em?
Opps, sorry, thats blue belt..
"3. be able to butt scoot to the corner store and back with a can of beans"
Go down the local, get spastic and tell every c*@t ya gunna f@#king smash em?
Opps, sorry, thats blue belt..
- Sign a disclaimer stating that you will continue to roll and compete following the promotion to black belt.