This can't be real, can it?

According to LatinoReview, Georges St. Pierre, the UFC's face guy sweet-boy dreamboat welterweight champion, who rules his division with a charming accent and boring decisions, has been cast as a villain in Captain America: Winter Soldier.  Meanwhile, word out of the Nick Diaz camp is that GSP only got the part because he was illegally greasing at the audition, and something seemed funny about his knuckle wraps. (*puts on "STOCKTON" hoodie, spray paints "209 FA LYFE DON'T BE SCARED HOMIE" on the side of abandoned check cashing store*) GSP will play one of the villains, Batroc the Leaper!!! Here is a bit of info on the character. Batroc has no superhuman abilities, but is in peak physical condition in every respect. He is an Olympic-level weightlifter and has extraordinary agility and reflexes. His leg muscles are particularly well-developed which enables him to leap great distances with the strength of an Olympic athlete. He is an expert hand-to-hand combatant and specializes in savate (French-style kickboxing). He is also a skilled military tactician, having formerly been in the French Foreign Legion. Batroc is an experienced thief and smuggler, who also speaks French and English. Although, as a mercenary, he does not hesitate to perform any number of criminal acts for his clients, Batroc has, by his own rights, a strong sense of honor, and he will turn against any client whom he feels has unfairly deceived him into committing crimes to which he might not otherwise have agreed. [LatinoReview] Well that sounds like GSP. You know, except for the villain part. But I do like that one of Captain America's nemeses is a French-Canadian. Who's his boss, Gerard Depardieu? In fact, all of Captain America's enemies should be offensive racial stereotypes. Maybe get Mickey Rooney back in his Breakfast at Tiffany's make up, hire a drunk Russian like that one guy from Mike Tyson's Punch Out – have it be like the It's a Small World After All of malevolent, semi-racist caricatures. If Seth MacFarlane and Harmony Korine have proved anything, it's that if you go half way, you're an asshole. If you take it three steps further, you're a genius.


There would have already been a thread or 2 about it on here if it was real. Phone Post I just checked the imdb page and lol,0,3606795.story

It's real lol.

Rear Naked Chode -,0,3606795.story

It's real lol.

What the fuck, why haven't we heard about this on the UG?!?!?!?!?

UGCKIRTT_SonofJockstrap - 
Rear Naked Chode -,0,3606795.story

It's real lol.

He was being sarcastic, there's already been a thread or two about this.

No, NO, this guy is mistaken. If it were talked about on the UG then the UG News would have stolen it and put it on the front page or something.

ender852 - 

it was on the main page doufus

Sssshhhhhh, we already got him to create another thread "breaking" the news, don't ruin it for the rest of us.

Lol Phone Post

Hilarious. Phone Post

I havent seen GSP acting but I'm kinda amazed that he has this role. Though I dont know if that is the main villain or just another bad guy. Anyone care to shed some light as to how big of a role this is?

Also whoever wrote that article sounds like they have a huge stick up their ass.

UGCKIRTT_SonofJockstrap - 
Kings21 - I havent seen GSP acting but I'm kinda amazed that he has this role. Though I dont know if that is the main villain or just another bad guy. Anyone care to shed some light as to how big of a role this is?

Also whoever wrote that article sounds like they have a huge stick up their ass.

He shouldn't be much more than hired muscle, he's rarely in a dominant position unless working in conjunction with one of his few affiliations.

scratches head

I have a feeling many movie goers won't be impressed by his performance Phone Post

Kingfanpaul -
Forest Whitakers Lazy Eye -  Fake.

There would have already been a thread or 2 about it on here if it was real. Phone Post


Hahaha Phone Post

sockeye - 

I have a feeling many movie goers won't be impressed by his performance Phone Post

I have a feeling no one expects anything noteworthy out of it.

Though who knows. People seemed to like Rampage in the A-Team for some reason. I thought he sucked as expected but whatever. Everyone has an opinion.

Kings21 -
sockeye -  I have a feeling many movie goers won't be impressed by his performance Phone Post

I have a feeling no one expects anything noteworthy out of it.

Though who knows. People seemed to like Rampage in the A-Team for some reason. I thought he sucked as expected but whatever. Everyone has an opinion.

I could be wrong but GSP doesn't strike me like he has the charisma like Rampage to pull off such a character. He is sorta bland Phone Post